Tongue Pain?!


Tongue Pain?

ok, its strange but my tongue hurts like its burned. this happened a few days ago when i rubbed raw garlic on toast (good way of making garlic bread) and it was really strong and i think this caused it but it especially hurts when i eat acidic things and to brush it. My tongue is a little discolored as well. is there a way to make it better? im completey serious by the way


I know what you are going through. I burned my toungue and mouth on Buffaloe Chicken Sandwich. I thought I was going to die. My mouth was a mess for 6 weeks and I was in pain and misery.
Later when I told my dentist he told me I should have contacted him at once if it did not clear up in a week.

Here is what I did to get it to go away:

1. Rinsed with Colgate Perioxide Mouthwash several times a day
2. Do not brush toungue or gums keep to teeth
3. Do not eat anything hot or too cold or spicy
3. Wash out mouth with plain cool water many times a day (keeps germs at bay)
4. Take Biotin Capsules and Vitamin E (supplements)

It took much time for mine but should take less for you. I found out from a chef that if they put too much vinegar in the sauce for Buffaloe food it can cause great burns in the mouth.

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