Help... I have had neck pain 4 the last three months after a dentist apointment?!


Help... I have had neck pain 4 the last three months after a dentist apointment?

I had a deep cleaning about 3 1/2 months ago and ever since than i have had entense neck and heard pain... my jaw is also out of aliginment... can anybody help???


I don't think the two are related exactly. I've never heard of it in 21 years anyway. If I had to take a guess I would say you are under a lot of stress right now and you are grinding/clenching your teeth at night. This will make the muscles in your face tight and sore causing headaches. Also, if you have a lot of tension in your neck, that will make you clench too. I would suggest getting a night guard made for you by the dentist. They fit better than the ones in the stores. Take anti inflammatory medication for several days, not on an empty stomach of course. Use very warm towels on your jaw and leave them there till the towel is cool. Use less caffeine several hours before bed. I sleep with a memory-form type pillow and it really helps my neck stress and strain. The night guard will also help your periodontal problems. When you grind/clench it moves your teeth in the bone and causes the bone to weaken and slowly breakdown over time. I would bet your pocket depths will decrease much more over time too.
I hope this helped you. Again, I don't see a relationship between deep cleanings and neck pain. Deep cleanings may seem terrible, but they are a necessary evil where gum disease is concerned.

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