Novacaine shot questions. For the wuss.?!


Novacaine shot questions. For the wuss.?

So, I'm getting the shot tomorrow for a filling. And no, I can't have laughing gas. My dad said they don't offer it, shoot. Never the less, please calm me down by answering a few questions. It would make my day.

1. On a scale one to 10, 10 being the worse, what would you give the shot? -
2. Would it feel like getting your ears pierced? -
3. How many seconds does the shot go in for? -

And anything else. Thank you guys.


How bad is your cavity? If it's really shallow, maybe you can try going without the shot? I have done that before, not because it hurts, I don't think it hurts at all (getting your ears pierced is 100 times over, hurts more) but because i hate feeling like my mouth is dumb, numb, and lame for hours. The shot goes in really quick, just like a regular shot. And then it comes out, no biggy. Just have your dad come and squeeze his hand. I use to ice skate so when I am confronted with something i fear will hurt i focus my thoughts someplace else and say the counts of the ice dancing waltz (well i guess it works for regular waltz) over and over again. 123 456 it really works (I have even had a tooth pulled - not loose, no shot - with this technique) Good luck, don't be afraid. No sweat!

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