Can you recover from gingivitis?!


Can you recover from gingivitis?

Can you ever get your gums back into good shape or is gingivitis a progressive disease and all you can do is stop it from continuing further?


With the proper treatment and excellent home care on your part you can reverse the progression of gingivitis. It is very treatable and should be taken care of in it's early stages for the best results. See your dentist soon! Hope I've been of some help and good luck!

Additional information: See your dentist for a proper diagnosis of this condition, also for a through cleaning with x rays and an exam. This will help you to not just "treat" this condition but cure it. Follow your dentist advice and keep up the home care of flossing and brushing regularly to stop the progression of this condition.

The only way to treat gingivitis is with a professional cleaning to remove the hard calculus and tartar below the gum line that you can't reach or remove. This is what causes the tissue to bleed, floss won't and cant' remove it. Having them professionally cleaned and "keeping them that way" with excellent flossing and brushing at home, is the only way to treat gingivitis.

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