After the one year of Crest White Strips?!


After the one year of Crest White Strips?

I'm about to use Crest Whitestrips and i was wondering, it says that it last for about 1 year. What happens after that one year? Does your teeth go back from being the way it was before you used the whitestrips?


The effects of using the strips are supposed to last around a year. After that your teeth may gradually get darker, especially if you drink dark items like coffee, tea, red wine, or dark juices. It is best to drink these through a straw so that they don't contact the teeth. Typically I recommend to my patients to do another set of strips if they feel like their teeth are getting darker again. But then again, I have some patients who are happy with their tooth color for longer than a year. If you are going to whiten you should consider having a cleaning first so that there is no buildup (stain, tartar, plaque) on the teeth that will prohibit the strips from working well.
Hope that helps!
JAMRDH - a dental hygienist

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