Bad breath??????!


Bad breath??????

i was eondering if there area any ways to keep your breath fresh after a long day with out brushing your teeth after eating?
i brush my teeth and floss every morning and night i work 9-10 hours so i have no time to brush them during the day i get soo busy. is there a way to keep it from smelling like nasty stuff in my mouth i communicate with ppl a lot and i cant chew gum in my job so i need help in finding out what i can do to keep my breath smelling somewhat good


In the morning before you go to work make some alfalfa tea. Drink some that morning and probably bring some to work. I have a book called Herbal Cures for Common Ailments. In this book for Bad Breath it says, "All plants are rich in chlorophyll, but alfalfa has it in a particular abundance and in a form that is readily accessible. Chlorophyll happens to be the active ingredient in many breath freshening products. Sip alfalfa tea several times a day to keep your breath fresh.
Simply add one or two teaspoons of dried alfalfa leaves to a cup of boiling water and steep 10 to 20 minutes. You can also find alfalfa leaf tablets in herb stores or health food stores. This may help freshen your breath and can also confer protection against heart attack and stroke."
Well, i hope this helps!

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