My jaw is killing me?!


My jaw is killing me?

so my jaw has been hurting for three days now. It's like tension in my jaw on the left side, the right side is fine. I'm not having head aches or anything... it's just my jaw. I'm not stressed and I don't grit my teeth. it hurts when I chew, open my mouth or yawn... and now it's getting more uncomfortable to talk.
if you have an idea of what it could be... what can I do about it?


What you are describing sounds exactly what I was experiencing about a year ago. I went and saw my local dentist and he sent me to a jaw specialist. He diagnosed with TMJ which is temporomandibular joint disease. If you don't want to go see a specialist... try not eating anything too chewy, no nuts, bubble gum, etc. This is going to sound crazy but take white rice (uncooked) and put like a cup in a tube sock then tie a knot so the rice won't fall out, pop it in the microwave for about a minute or minute and 1/2 and then place it on your jaw. The hot moisture will relax the muscles in your jaw. In the long run you really should have it checked out. Hoped this helped, good luck!

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