Very bad gingivitis...?!


Very bad gingivitis...?

Does anyone know a good rememdy/cure for very bad gingivitis? every time i brush my teeth they bleed, and my gums are swollen and they have started coming away a little from my teeth.

This is very embarrasing, but i wuld appreciate any feedback. ^_^


If left unchecked, gingivitis may progress to periodontitis. Often painless, periodontitis occurs when bacterial infection of the gums spreads down along the tooth to its root. When this happens, your gums will pull away from the affected tooth, causing a deep pocket to form. Your dentist can check your pocket depth with a painless probe to see if you have or have had gum disease. If periodontitis is left unchecked, your jaw bone will dissolve and your teeth will progressively loosen till they fall out.

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