How can i align the height of my small teeth with the height of the other teeth?!


How can i align the height of my small teeth with the height of the other teeth?

i still have milk teeth for both my canines and i won't grow the permanent ones according to my dentist. so i was wondering what procedure could align the teeth at the gum line. the small teeth are a little lower than the rest.

what should i do?!?! cap them?? remove them and get them braced?? but wouldn't that look awkward?? or put veneers in them?! help!!

Additional Details

2 months ago
i'm 18 years old


Here is the deal. Baby teeth are not designed to remain in our mouths permanently. They won't last. Eventually your mouth/body is going to realized those teeth are not supposed to be there. That may be in a few months that may been when you turn 45. But, once the body realized it, it absorbs the roots of those baby teeth and they fall out like baby teeth should. Now, I don't know how old you are, but if you are younger then having them out now and trying to have implants placed there or having braces put on to close the space is easier to do when you are younger. Otherwise when you get older the teeth will fall out and you will need to think about filling the space then. There is not a procedure anyone in their right mind would do to a baby tooth to realign it/move it b/c this will probably make your body realize they shouldn't be there. If you are going to spend the amount of money veneers cost then fix the problem and replace that space/close it now.

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