Is it possible for me to get a cavity that quickly?!


Is it possible for me to get a cavity that quickly?

Just yesterday, I went to the dentist to get a teeth cleaning, tartar removal, cement removal, and braces tightening (i wear braces). And now when i woke up this morning, there is a pain on one of my back teeth. I know its not a molar but it really hurts. I cant eat with it and thats the only tooth that aches. What could be wrong with it? it was fine yesterday.

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2 months ago
i know its probably pain from the tightening but wouldnt the soreness be on more than 1 tooth?


It may not be a cavity at all. It could just be the result of having had your braces tightened. Soreness in the mouth is not terribly uncommon after an ortho visit.

To answer your follow up question, the soreness wouldn't necessarily be on more than one tooth. It may be that the tooth that hurts, for example, is moving or needed to move more than the others did.

Mouth pain is weird anyway because of "referred pain" -- which is when pain in one location is caused in another.

If you had x-rays yesterday showing that you didn't have a cavity, you definitely didn't develop one in less than 24 hours. If the pain persists, return to the ortho.

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