How Long Until I can Start Smoking After Wisdom Teeth Pulled?!


How Long Until I can Start Smoking After Wisdom Teeth Pulled?

I had my wisdom teeth pulled on the 10th of May. All 4, 2 surgically and 2 pulled. I don't want to ask my dentist due to him telling my parents I smoke, mind you I'm only 16. I was just curious on how long I should wait before smoking again. I only smoke about a pack a week, usually lasting me around 8-10 days for 1 pack. Please no well you shouldn't be smoking at 16 please. I just want to know how long it should be before I smoke in risk of dry sockets. I waited a week before working out.

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2 months ago
Geez, I asked for no stop smoking things but yeah damn. Uhh I'm not addicted and I can quit whenever I want but working 60 hour weeks is killing me and this is my alternative to some of my other bad habits that I HAVE quitted.


Rinsing with warm salt water, does help with infection, but the reason you are told not to smoke after an extraction, is because of the suction. The same reason they tell you not to drink from a straw. Dry sockets are caused by the suction created in your mouth when sucking in. When you do this you run the risk of basically sucking the blood clot from the extraction site, which leaves the bone exposed, which is what causes the pain. Most Dr.s recommend 3 days/72 hours. If you had them extracted on the 10th, you should be fine, as long as you are not experiencing any pain or bleeding.

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