Dentist appointment - what to expect?!


Dentist appointment - what to expect?

I feel sort of silly asking this, but I figure everyone on here has had experiences that I haven't. The last time I was at the dentist I was 8 (and scared out of my mind). Due to a combination of lack of money and health insurance, I haven't been able to go until now (I'm turning 20 next month). I have an appointment in the morning because I've been having some pain in the left side of my mouth, and I think it may be a cavity (it hurts when I bite down on things). Anyway, I was wondering, just what is it like to get a cavity filled? I'm scared to death (mainly because I was scared the last time I went too, and haven't had any other experiences!) What exactly do they do, and how much does it actually hurt? Please help (and no mean answers like "oh you're going to be in sooo much pain" please!) Thank you for your time!


Be sure to let the dentist know that you are apprehensive. The staff should take the time to be extra sensitive, especially knowing that it's been a long time since your last visit.
If you need a cavity filled, they will put a topical anesthetic on your gum prior to the injection. A caring dentist will actually do the injection slowly to gradually inject the numbing agent. Doing so too quickly can sting more than it needs to.
The assistant will suction extra fluid out of your mouth as the dentist takes out the decay. You should not feel a thing, but if you do, just raise your hand to let him know. You may need an extra shot. This happens sometimes - some people need a little extra anesthetic.
After the tooth is filled, they will check your bite to be sure the filling isn't too "high" and imparing your normal bite.
Depending on how deep your filling ends up being, your tooth may continue to be senstive for a few days. Don't drink anything too hot or too cold.
Ask your dentist to explain anything you're not sure about. Before he starts, if you're curious about the procedure, ask him to give you a step-by-step explanation of what he's doing. He shouldn't mind at all.
Good luck!!

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