Can a abcessed tooth make you sick?!


Can a abcessed tooth make you sick?

can a abcessed make you sick. I know that they will if they don't get taken care of fast but I have one and I cant got to the dentist for another month and I am worried that it is making me sick. The infection keeps coming out of my gums and giving me a very bad taste in my mouth is that a good thing.

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2 months ago
I am not having pain it is just the nasty stuff coming out of my gum.


Would you walk around with a festering wound for a month? I didn't think so.

If it has already been established that the tooth cannot be saved, find a hospital in your area that has an oral surgery department and have them extract it for you.

If the tooth is still saveable through root canal therapy, either ask your dentist to see you as an emergency appointment to clean out the tooth and temporize it (i.e. stabilize the situation) so he can finish the root canal later, or ask him to refer you to someone (an endo specialist) who can take care of it in a timely fashion. Or have it pulled if you decide against doing the RCT/crown/post after evaluating your options.

Don't let it drag on for a month, whatever you do.

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