Please read properly, an answer also if you have something similar?!


Please read properly, an answer also if you have something similar?

I just really can not believe my mouth it's driving me mad every week there is something else, I hate teeth.
First of all I had a filling back in Feb an the dentist told me while I was there that I might have problems with my wisdom teeth so maybe thats what has triggered my paranoia with my mouth.
Then a month later exactly I had to have another filling as another tooth had a hole in it.
Exactly one month later I had to go the dentist again because I chipped my front tooth very slightly so I thought it was best to get it fixed.
An now the right side of my jaw is slightly clicking when I eat, hardly noticable but I notice it sometimes, why would just 1 side of my jaw click?
Is it because my wisdom teeth are coming through? As when she showed me the xray they were very near to the gum.

I really cant afford to go to the dentist again, this is driving me mad some people have no problems with there mouth but me na I get every problem you can have.

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2 months ago
No there is no pain at all, its just doing my head in now. I swear I was born under an unlucky star when it comes to mouth problems.


your clicking is probably the result of having work done over the past three months. Your jaw joints are probably having a bit of problems because of lying there with you mouth open. You need to focus on a few simple things that might speed your return to normal function:
-don't eat anything that's hard or chewy.
-don't chew gum
-don't open your mouth more than you need to-- take small bites/cut your food small
-don't sleep on your stomach
-keep good posture-- keep your chin up, don't sit reading with your head down
-don't clench your teeth
-don't keep making your jaw pop, let it rest, you've sprained it so to speak

Clicking on one side is fine. It's better than clicking on both sides. It indicates that the problem is only on one side. I'm sure you can find some anatomical diagrams of the temporomadibular joint on the internet that would show you how the joint works. Once you see that, you'd see why it can only happen on one side.

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