Gingivitis question?!

Question: I haven't been to the dentist in 2 years because of financial issues. Well, I finally got insurance that would cover it, so I went on Monday. The dentist told me that I had gingivitis and that he couldn't clean my teeth until it was taken care of. That's pretty much all he said. He also said that my pockets were 4. What does that mean? I'm thinking about going to another dentist because for as long as I can remember, my gums have always been a little red and would bleed occassionally only when I flossed. Is there anyway to get rid of gingivitis besides that deep cleaning? I never really flossed much, so I think that that was the main cause, but I brush my teeth at least 2x's a day. I don't get it. All of my friends have never flossed their teeth and they don't have it. Also, it doesnt make sense that he can't clean my teeth until "I" get rid of the gingivitis. He's dentist... isn't that his job!? So, my questions are: how can I get rid of gingivitis and how long (about) should it take?

Answers: I haven't been to the dentist in 2 years because of financial issues. Well, I finally got insurance that would cover it, so I went on Monday. The dentist told me that I had gingivitis and that he couldn't clean my teeth until it was taken care of. That's pretty much all he said. He also said that my pockets were 4. What does that mean? I'm thinking about going to another dentist because for as long as I can remember, my gums have always been a little red and would bleed occassionally only when I flossed. Is there anyway to get rid of gingivitis besides that deep cleaning? I never really flossed much, so I think that that was the main cause, but I brush my teeth at least 2x's a day. I don't get it. All of my friends have never flossed their teeth and they don't have it. Also, it doesnt make sense that he can't clean my teeth until "I" get rid of the gingivitis. He's dentist... isn't that his job!? So, my questions are: how can I get rid of gingivitis and how long (about) should it take?

You should have a cleaning every six months but if you don't for any reason, then you should "double up" on the cleaning at home.

Brush with a soft brush for 3 minutes, massaging gently under the gum, (it becomes a pleasure, more than a shore, once you get used to it). Make sure to get a new brush every three months.

Also brush your tongue and use a tongue scraper.

Floss at least once a day (I do it before bed). The more you floss, the less you bleed. Once you get into the habit of flossing every day, you won't bleed anymore.

Use a machine like WaterPik that will get any little tiny things left anywhere, each time you eat food that get stuck in your teeth (nuts, popcorn, raspberries...).

Once a week, I use Stim-U-Dent Plaque removers...which are just little pieces of wood that you use to polish the surface of your teeth, and between them.

I also have an electric toothbrush but I barely use it because it's noisy and just makes my teeth smooth which I can do with the silent Stim-U-Dent stick. And I like the manual toothbrush to gently massage under my gums.

I tried pure Listerine but it just make my mouth dry the next day... so I just use it now by adding it to the water I use when I use the WaterPik.

I do all that and I don't have gingivitis. I know if I would not do all that, I would have gingivitis. Everybody has it in my family, except me, because I floss, brush, WaterPik, scrap, Stim-U-Dent...Every few days, when I do what I call a "super floss", which is doing all of the takes me 20 minutes.

Other people in my family don't do that...and then, they have gingivitis, cavities, bad breath, dentures!

A friend of mine, with perfect teeth and no cavities, just has an old toothbrush.
I think teeth are like eyes. If your parents needed glasses, there's a good chance you will too. If your parents had bad teeth, there's a good chance you will too...unless you go on the attack mode like I do.

Do you know that flossing is more important than brushing?
You could brush 10 times a day...if you don't floss, you won't be able to get rid of the stuff in your gums, which the brush does not reach.
You would be better off flossing and not brushing than brushing and not flossing.

Your gingivitis is caused by the stuff stuck in your gums for weeks...Only flossing and WaterPik can get rid of those. It you haven't flossed for several days, that piece of whatever you ate had been stuck inside your gum, out of reach from your toothbrush, silently rotting away, creating bad breath and gingivitis....think about that. A simple floss and it would be gone.

I'm always amazed when I brush for 3 minutes, really massaging under the gum. Then I use the WaterPik and I see all those missed food particles that were stuck between the teeth, being washed away. So the brushing is not really to clean your teeth but more to massage your gums and make them healthier.

Anyway, floss every day (you will bleed less after a while), use a WaterPik and in a few weeks, go see ANOTHER dentist because your dentist seems like a moron.

Periodontal disease is sometimes hereditary or genetic but the dentist should have referred you to someone else ins ted of giving you the cold shoulder because that's his job. Do you have a bad odor with this problem. If so you may need your tonsil removed. Do brush and floss everyday. This also ac curs in pregnant women.

I have reversed the effects of gingivitis by getting a dental hygienist that took me on instead of sending me to a periodontist. Each quadrant of the mouth had to be done in one visit and then go back for each quadrant. The pockets are filled with pus and bacteria and they need to clean them out or eventually gum disease will take your teeth. I, too, had much bleeding. A deep root cleaning and scaling is in order. I was appreciative of the great hygienist, but not all of them will do it. They will send you to a periodontist. The pockets are measure on a scale to see how deep they are. I think 9 is the get to this now and avoid more trouble. You must floss the right way twice a day. It's extrememly important even though it bleeds. They will show you how to do it properly. Brushing your teeth (with a soft toothbrush) is recommended twice a day. If you eat sticky food or sugar, then at least rinse your mouth. I invested in a WaterPik and that's very helpful and I also got an electric toothbrush . You need to either brush your tongue or buy a tongue scaper too. Then you will follow this up with Listerine and make sure you swish it around for at least 30 seconds. The last thing is using Act for flouride, unless you have flouridated water. I don't, we have wells out here. Doing all this can reverse the effects of gingivitis and eventually stop the bleeding. Using warm salt water will make you feel better too and harden up your gums. You must do these things faithfully and correctly because the pockets will get deeper and it will lead to even worse periodontal disease that eventually your gums will shrink and your teeth will loosen. It will be alot harder if you leave it go and it goes into pyorrhea. It's an infection. Also if you mouth breathe when you sleep at night, it helps decay your teeth because your saliva is needed for protection. You may have to get some Breathe Right nasal strips or even a mouth guard to use at night while you are sleeping. Some people like myself and you are prone more to tooth decay and other problems with your gums. Ask this dentist what he plans to do about your cleaning. If he won't do it, he should recommend a periodontist that will do it. Good luck and hope I helped. I know this is long.........but I thought it was important.

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