Scared to death?!


Scared to death?

I am getting my wisdom teeth pulled soon and I'm so scared. I am mostly scared of the injections I will recieve he said that I will recieve four total and that should do fine. Normal? another thing is I hate things being placed in my mouth that are sharp neddles are a no and there's no other way for this to be done. I would not be put to sleep my wishes. That was a whole other story. I also want to know what the case with this whole mouth prop and rubber dam what is that? Does that hurt? why would I need those anyways? he said it would help me.

Any tips and advice I will be glad to accept.



What they did with me (a denist and needle-PHOBIC) was the surgeon prescribed me valium for the night before to help me sleep and another dose and a half to make me very sleepy and mellow in the morning when I went in to procedure. Next they gave me a mask and had me breathe in some nitric oxide (laughing gas), which is standard for any wisdom tooth extraction. While I was awake, I'll be 100%honest in telling you that i was so far-gone and out of it I couldn;t care what they did to me. It also helpe to bring your ipod to drown out any noises if you're really scared. I found that I didn't need it once they gave me the gas. All-in-all, ask for the valium for extra sedation the night before and the morning of. You won't even notice that they're giving you a needle. As for the prop & rubber dam, I'm not sure what that is. For afterwards, just prop yourself up on a pillow and take a LONG nap. The first 3 days hurt the worst. You probably won't want to eat, but make sure you have at least a large milkshake or something of similar consistency. You'll feel a lot better. Best of luck! I know it sounds horrible, I was terrified too, but it's over and done in less than an hour and then you get to sleep for a few days :)

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