TMJ cases?!


TMJ cases?

does anyone here had/have TMJ problems?
or does anyone here had TMJ and is cured? how was it cured? for how long and for how much? and how old are you?

i have TMJ problems too....thanks!


I am currently being assessed and treated for this problem.
I found a dentist that specifically is trained to diagnose and treat TMJ.
So far I have had x rays and bite measurements and he assessed my mouth movements.
He said that i will need a mouth splint which will be custom fitted which means taking a mouth impression. Several splints Mouth guards will be used every 2 weeks. and every 6 weeks go in for another assessment.
The priority right now is to get my jaw back in line to decrease the inflamation in the muscles and jaw bones. Both my jaw bones look differnt on the xray as well because of the trauma to that area from my crossbite. I have neglected my dental health for 15 years.
My mouth also has a cross bite on the bottom of 8 mm... my symptoms most affect my right side. I suffer from tense jaw muscles.I can feel muscle mass as compared to the left side where few symptoms are. jaw joint pain. headache neck and shoulder pain and muscle spasms.
My dentist said he can definitely help me.
I am also being sent to the local hospital for another opinion because he found 3 different bone density levels in my jaw bone which concerns him. I will jump that hurdle when i get to it.
I have to also go for a topography xray which will give a map of my bones.
I am 42.

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