Had a crown recemented in... and went through some odd prodecure. I'm scared now!


Had a crown recemented in... and went through some odd prodecure. I'm scared now...what to do?

Ok so last week I was sucking on some hard caramel candy and I bit down on it, and ended up having a crown I had put in get stuck onto the candy. Yesterday I went to my dentist to have it recemented in, and while everything went ok at first, the dentist discovered that she couldn't get floss between the crown and a neighboring tooth. So she ended up taking some metal tool to try to widen the space, and she gave up after awhile. She spent 10 minutes trying to widen the gap...only a few to recement the crown. The side of my lips is now red and raw, I think it may have been bleeding at the time as well. They seemed to laugh it off as if it were nothing...this scares me. the side of my lip hurts today because of this. Is this procedure normal for dentists? Is my dentist a sadist towards her patients?


Resetting any alignment in your jaw is going to be painful.It should be done over a period of time.In the procedure you described,the dentist might have had better luck increasing the the inter-proximal space by reducing the size of the crown.The other thing you might look at is that you may have a gum condition that causes excess bleeding .Do you brush your gums when you clean your teeth? If you brush too hard you can get sensitive gums or if you don't brush at all you can cause problems too by leaving a build up of plaque at the gum line.When that plaque is disrupted the underlying gums will bleed.
If you have serious doubts of you dentists' ability,get a second opinion or ask a friend that has a gentler dentist.I did,and I don't suffer those things ...like I did with the last dentist.
Next time have her watch how she contacts your lips.My dentist uses vasoline on my lips to cut down the friction.

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