After removing 2 bottom wisdom teeth 6 days back, pain is still there. How long !


After removing 2 bottom wisdom teeth 6 days back, pain is still there. How long before I come back to normal ?


You need to go back to your dentist as soon as possible. You should not still be in pain more than 72 hours after an extraction. Lower teeth, especially wisdom teeth, are very prone to something called "Dry socket". This is where the blood clot that is formed in the socket where the tooth was removed is lost or had never adequately formed. Sometimes this can be through rinsing a little too early, and if you are a smoker these are alot more common.
This can be very painful, but if you go back to your dentist, they can rinse the sockets and put a sedative dressing in the sockets where your teeth were removed (which should be virtually painless) and this should relieve the discomfort.

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