Does it hurt when you first have braces?!

Question: Does it hurt when you first have braces!?
im getting them soon and i want to know what to expect when i get them on tomorrow!. does it hurt!? how do they put them on!? are braces annoying or do you get used to them!? thanks!! xoxoWww@Answer-Health@Com

I'll describe the process of which my orthodontist used and whether it hurt or not!.
1!. He makes a 'cement' paste!. It's not cement, but it's an adhesive for sure!. It doesn't hurt or anything, it feels 'minty' and it only tastes bad, but it's not unbearable!.
2!. You wait for the paste to be finished and then he applies it onto the brackets (the things that hold the wire in place)!. He will place a ring on your last tooth (that is to hold the wire securely, since in the brackets, it could slide out)!. While he 'hammers' (it's not hammering, but he asks you to bite something that will push the ring to fit around your tooth), it might be uncomfortable for a while (a while being 5 minutes!?)
3!. After he's done putting on all the brackets, you wait for the paste to harden!.
4!. He measures the wire that will fit into your mouth!. It doesn't hurt, but while he's measuring it, you might feel a bit of discomfort because the wire is still too long and will slightly 'poke' into your cheek (only for a few seconds as he measures)!.
5!. After the measuring is done, he will fit the wire onto your brackets and push it into the holder on the ring!. This will slightly tighten your teeth, but it's not 'painful' yet!.
6!. He will put on the rubber bands that go on your brackets!. After all of them have been fitted on, you will feel a tightening that may be called 'pain'!. It's pulling your teeth together to straighten them!.
You are finished with putting on the braces!.
Before I answer your next question, I would like to say that this is based off my personal experience and that the 'pain' depends on your teeth!. For example, my teeth didn't start out that crooked, so there was minimal 'pain'!. However, my friend had extremely crooked teeth, so she felt 'pain' more than I did!. The 'pain' I felt lasted for about 3 days while I was chewing or clenching my teeth!. But for my friend, it lasted for 2 weeks!. Normally, this 'pain' lasts for about 1 week, and then it's fine, or may feel a bit sore!. The 'pain' might come back after each time you visit the orthodontist since they replace the old, loose rubber bands with new, tigher ones!. When you're almost done with your braces, and you get new rubber bands, the 'pain' is almost gone, since your teeth are about straight enough!.
Braces are annoying to take care off, like flossing and brushing!. For flossing, here is the process:
You poke the floss through this 'needle' (plastic of course) and you just 'weave' it through your teeth!.
For brushing:
1!. You brush the insides
2!. You brush the crushing/tearing food surface
3!. You brush the surface (outside)
4!. You brush your tongue (I suppose this is if you have had the habit to!?)
That's the only time they're annoying, the rest of the time, you don't really feel them and get usedto them!.
I hope this helped!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

it hurts for about a week!.!.!. after for about another week, its just the wires that are bothering you and poking into your cheek!.!. but a little wax goes along way for that! the next week AFTER that, is WAAAY better!.!.!. you are so used to it that sometimes you forget its their!.!. except when your eating!.!.!. and food gets stuck in it! x_o

i have braces and right now im on my 3rd week since getting them and i hardly notice them !.!.!. its amazing lol! remember to take ibruprofen before you go!.!.!. actually dont because it doesnt even hurt the day you get them!.!. it just feels REALLY uncomfortable and your mouth may portrude and feel weird!.!.!. and you will feel REALLY self consience about them for about 2 weeks!.!.!.3rd week (which is the week im on) your totally aware and comfortable of your braces and your use to seeing yourself with them!.!. if you get light pink the color does fade!.!. i have a light pink on and it looks more like peach now!.!. its not ugly it looks really nice and its less noticable!.!. but i do notice however, that when i talk to some guys they tend to look at my braces!.!. maybe thats just all in my head but i get self consience still about that!.!. im glad i broke up with my boyfriend though cause kissing i dotn know how i would od it with him without the braces cutting him!.!.!. so if your lucky like me and dont have a boyfriend your safe!.!. and remember if a guy truly likes you he will see past the braces!

good luck,

kesha <333


They process doesn't hurt it's only annoying when they put that lip stretcher on you so they can work on all your teeth!. But afterwards a couple of hours later i felt like ****!. my mouth was very sore and i couldn't eat anything only SOUP !. I didn't want to talk to any one!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

not at first the process is not painful at all but the next day just take a whole bunch of ibuprofen or w/e any pain killers cuz theyre going to hurt like a ****erWww@Answer-Health@Com

Getting them on is not painful at all!. Your teeth will be a little sore the next day!. Just take some Tylenol or ibuprofen until you feel more comfortable with them on!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

the first couple of days hurt so bad!. when they dont hurt anymore!.!.!.!.!.!. DO NOT EAT POPCORN they will feel like you just got them on again (my teeth are like that now) ERG! it hurts so badWww@Answer-Health@Com

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