Straight teeth?!

Question: Straight teeth!?
My teeth are straight!. Except for this tooth that is turned sidways!.!.!.which is almost straight(they have been working on it for months)!. The next appointment I go and get a new bracket on that tooth to straighten it out once more!. Then after that, I get a herbst appliance!. What I want to know is if I need to wear braces with that herbst appliance!. Because, usually if a kid needs a herbst appliance, they give them braces along with the herbst appliance, so that their teeth and jaw are straigthening out right at the same time!. but for some reason they are straightning my teeth out first and then putting a herbst appliance on!. So does that mean I don't have to wear braces with a herbst appliance, since their straightning my teeth out first!? Cuz usually kids have braces and a herbst appliance all at one timeWww@Answer-Health@Com

It would really be hard to say without knowing what the orthodontist had planned!. They might leave the braces part on so the tooth doesn't rotate back, or they might bond a retainer on instead!. In any case, your best bet would be asking your orthodontist, as he/she would be the only one that could tell you what's planned in your particular case!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

yes, you will, your jaw is probably starting to change, this happened to my friend&cousin, good luck and don't slide the bars out in the middle of class not fun!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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