Why do we get mouth ulcers when we're tired and stressed.?!

Question: Why do we get mouth ulcers when we're tired and stressed!.!?
What are they exactly!? ThanksWww@Answer-Health@Com

The most common type of mouth ulcers are called 'apthous' ulcers!. They are probably viral!. (though no virus has been identified!.)This means they should not be given antibiotics as there have no effect!. There behaviour is similar to cold sores, in that they are recurrent, come out when we are run down and we never seem to develop immunity!. Here the similarity ends, because unlike herpetic cold sores there is no treatment!.

Each ulcer lasts about 10 days, but you can get further crops erupting, so each episode may last longer than that!.

Ice,ice cream and cold soft items, become the easiest things to eat!. Teething gels sometimes help!. There are 2 prescription drugs for apthous ulcers, Corlan Pellets and Adcortyl in Orobase paste!. Both are steroids, only reduce the nipping a bit and neither hastens resolution!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I am afraid this is not true in most of the cases!. Mouth ulcers are small ulcers which come up regularly in some persons!. What I suggest to you is ensure taking well balanced and nutritious diet and stay away from all sorts of junk food!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.i STRONGLY feel that it is the only modifiable factor in the causation of mouth ulcers!. And one more important things, if we are regular with our physical activity we encounter such incidences of sore mouth very very less frequently!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Boy, can my family relate to this!. Some of us get ulcers the size of quarters and can't eat or talk!. Nothing we have tried has ever really worked!. We were told that you are born with this herpes/simplex virus in your body that reacts to stress!. I've also heard that the ulcers in your mouth are no different than the ulcers people get in their stomachs/digestive tract!. Warm salty water rinse is the best I can suggest and eating cold popsicles for pain!. One of my boys gets mouth ulcers when he eats too many nuts or granola!. That might be helpful to you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I got ulcers when i became pregnant!. The doctor said it was caused by just being 'run down' and i should make sure I was getting the right vitamins!. Antiseptic mouth washes help but they do sting!Www@Answer-Health@Com

We dont always get them when stressed, they are just like spots but in the mouth!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The immune system acts up!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I get them due to me biting my tongue in my sleep!.!.i grit my teeth!.!.!.heck I'm just a tense guyWww@Answer-Health@Com

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