How long until I can eat solids? All four of my wisdom teeth were pulled.?!

Question: How long until I can eat solids!? All four of my wisdom teeth were pulled!.!?
I got my wisdom teeth pulled yesterday morning (Thursday at 11am)!. According to everyone I talked to, their mouth started to hurt a few hours after surgery!. It's been a day and a half for me, and I haven't felt any pain!. I haven't taken any painkillers either!. I mean, I can't fully move my jaw, I can only open it halfway, but I still have to eat soft foods!. Any idea how long it will take before I can eat solids with my current progress!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

give it a day or two!. I didn't take any painkillers either when I had mine out!. it hurt, but nowhere near as bad as it hurt when I got my braces on! I think I started eating solid food after one or two days!. start with soft solid foods - soft bread, noodles, things like that, and if those are fine move on to tougher stuff!. just be careful not to tear out stitches, if you have them!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I ate whatever I wanted to eat!. I was eating pizza as soon as the novacaine wore off!. Take it easy and eat whatever feels ok!. Stay away from some obvious foods like bagels which are pretty tough and chewy!. Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com


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