I am getting braces and am nervious?!

Question: I am getting braces and am nervious!?
I am getting my braces and am extremely nervious!. My sister got them and said they make your mouth sore for like a week!. I am scared to death what to I do!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I dont know how old you are I'm 22!. I was 10 when I got my top front four braces put on, then the rest shortly after!. I had them until I was 13 and a half!. My pain tolerance is very high I think, I get tattoos and piercings all the time, I don't know how you are with pain!. Getting them put on doesn't hurt!. I'll tell you what I know!. I had power chains, which are instead of each individual bracket being a color you pick one color band and it connects all your top or bottom teeth together!. (Used to close gaps that may be present already or towards the end of having braces) I also had rubber bands, the kind you have to do yourself!. You get a little baggy of them and take them out when you eat!. Mine went from the top to the bottom on either sides of the canine teeth!. When you have both power chains and rubber bands on at the same time-IT HURTS! It's not pain pain though!. It's like a headache in your teeth/mouth!. I still ate pizza at school, lol!. Took me the whole 30 minutes to eat it!. But I ate it all!. Haha!. But it only lasts a little while!. Then your teeth get used to it!. I don't know what to compare it to!. Say, new shoes that hurt your feet but after you wear them a lot they are comfy!. Other than that, it isn't bad!. And the end result is amazing!. I'm so glad I got braces! I have nice straight teeth!

Good Luck and You'll be fine!Www@Answer-Health@Com

From experience, my braces gave me some of the worst pain of my life!. BUT, it really depends on your teeth!. My teeth were so unbelievably crooked, that as soon as the braces got put on, they started to move my teeth, and my teeth had to move really far because they were so bad!. So, if you teeth are only a little crooked, your pain should be considerably lower!.

My orthodontist told me to take the recommended dose of a pain reliever right before I got my braces on to help take some of the pain away!.

But in the end, it will be so worth it! You'll love you're teeth!! :]Www@Answer-Health@Com

dont worry they hurt but its only a week!. eat cold stuff all the time!. chew gum even though it hurt but after a while it make the pain go away sooner!. yogurt and pudding is great! chips are easier to eat that you think!. dont stress stake advil and dont eat hott stuff it highlights the pain!. if the pain get so bad just repeat to yourself straight white teeth!! it helps!
may God bless you and everyone you love!Www@Answer-Health@Com

haha well!.!.!. i would have recommended invisalign, but that is probably too late!. My guess would use a lot of wax to put on your teeth/braces so your braces wont cut the inner part of your lips too bad the first week and also take ibuprofen!. Have fun! And just think how great your smile will be after the braces!! =)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Your mouth will be sore for a few days, but after that you'll be fine!. Eat a lot of ice cream, which is soft and numbs your mouth!. Gargling salt water also helps!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

They only hurt for about one day!. Since the dentist usually takes extractions, it will probably bleed for about for 2 days!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


well each prsn tolerates pain better i'm getting braces to but i'm not scared becuz even if it does hurt you get a perfect smile out of it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

they will not hurt that bad they will b sore for a couple so get used to it!. and ur teeth will b beautiful!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

its not bad attt all!.!.!.it doesnt hurt until AFTER they are on your teeth!. So dont be terrified!. Just be prepared for a slight headache!.!.!.or sore teethWww@Answer-Health@Com

im not goung to lie!. they hurt!. but take advantage of it and eat ice cream and stuff all the time!. take advil alot!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well im sure you will be fineWww@Answer-Health@Com

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