Filling or extraction?!

Question: Filling or extraction!?
i have a cavity in my bottom left wisdom tooth!. it has grown out of the gum, in case you were wondering!. should i fill it, or extract it!? does the wisdom tooth have nerves like the other teeth!? i am too scared to lose it, it's my last one, i don't want to be completely without wisdom!Www@Answer-Health@Com

You dentist will know the right thing to do!. Yes, they have nerves like your other teeth!. Getting your wisdom teeth pulled is quite an undertaking!. Also, fixing the cavity, because it's back so far in the mouth!.

(Either way, you'll be fine!! No worries!!)

From what you have said, I'd pull the tooth!. You don't really need it anyway and many, many people lose their wisdom teeth!. But again, a dentist with x-rays and a doctoral degree trumps any advice this forum can provide!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I would leave the recommendation up to the dentist, since that's the only person who can really assess matters with the tooth!. Of course wisdom teeth have nerve endings like the other teeth!. Leaves a bigger hole when it's extracted too!. However, I think it's safe to say if it's your last one, you already know what that is like!. And I seriously doubt your IQ will suffer from the loss!. Your brains won't leak out the hole it leaves behind if it is removed!. If this were your ear, then I'd worry!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have all my wisdom teeth, I figure that I may need them when I am older!. So far I have had no problems!. If the cavity is not bad get it filled!. Also discuss the options with more than one dentist!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Speak with you dentist about it!. Most wisdom teeth are hard to fill because there isn't much room back there!. Evolutionary!.!.you don't need them!. I'd have taken out!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

see your Dentist on that one, they love to just pull them!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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