Does getting a cavity filled hurt??? Please help!!!!!!?!

Question: Does getting a cavity filled hurt??? Please help!!!!!!?
Does it hurt?
What's the procedure?
Does the shot hurt? Because I'm TERRIFIED of needles!!!!!
Any ways to calm me down while I'm in there?
Do they numb me? How long does the numbing last because about an hr or 2 after I get it done I have a volleyball game!
I'm soooooo scared... PLEASE help!!!!!!
Thanks soooooooooo much!!!! :)


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

i have an extreme phobia of a dentist which makes me the WORST patient ever!!! dont worry tho. ive been having fillings since i was a little girl... maybe 5 years old. i wasnt scared then but holy **** am i now. lol... ive had idk maybe 20 fillings done in my life so its guna be ok.. just talk to them and it eases ur nerves. the shot isnt bad its like pressure into ur gum and it stings a lil.. i had two fillings done on two of my molars on the bottom and i came un numb during the procedure so i had to have another shot... but i was completely un numb when i left... lol idk y tho... dont eat after u get it done tho cuz you could bite your cheek. ull be ok!

a girl wiff bad teeth.

Getting a cavity filled doesn't hurt. The dentist numbs you first before doing anything to the teeth (They do not want to see you in pain, trust me!), all you feel while they filled your cavity is pressure. To be honest, the only pain you'll probably feel will be the shot of Novocaine they'll use to numb you. After that, it's all easy~
Everyone gets scared at the dentist; I can withstand pain quite well and believes that every individual in their lifetime has to get their cavity filled at least once, but I do get scared! One way to calm you down would be some deep breathing (helped me a lot when I had to get my wisdom teeth removed), listen to calm music of your choice while waiting for the dentist to call you, or just imagine anything that makes you feel happy (maybe a favorite tv show, a happy moment of your life, anything! For me, I just sing my favorite song in my mind). Numbing might still last after 2 hours depending how many shots of Novocaine the dentist gave you, mine last for about 4 hours (my dentist gave me two shots on the area, so that must be why), but the numbing shouldn't bother you during your game.
It's alright to be scared - It's very normal! Just think positive thoughts :)

Had approximately 3 cavities filled in my lifetime and I just had 4 wisdom teeth removed just yesterday (Which the dentist numbs me for it).

You sound really young. I was 13 when I had my first fillings done. It was quite traumatic due to the fact I had a sh!tty dentist. It depends where you're going to have a filling done, if you have a filling in your front teeth, it's not the needle that hurts, it's the actual medicine they use (mine felt like a bolt of electricity shooting through my face). At the back it's not that bad. It stings for a split second when the needle goes in, but that's it. It's not very painful.

After the needle, he/she drills out the cavity. The paste is then put in once the area has been cleaned. Then a torch is used to set the paste. Once set, it's then filed to smooth it so you can properly close your mouth.

Your volleyball game won't be effected, don't worry. My advice is to eat something before going (don't go on an empty stomach), then give your teeth a good brush. Take deep breaths. Let your dentist know if you think something is wrong.

its not pain full and much less stress full then having a tooth out! the injection is uncomfortable ask your dentist if they have a needle called th magic wand its a Marvel and makes the dentist completely pain free x

the shot stings a little. after that, you only feel movement. no pain afterwards. you,re always your own worse enemy.

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