does invisalign work?!

Question: Does invisalign work?
is invisalign as effective as traditional braces?


Invisalign CAN be as effective as traditional braces. In fact, there are situations when Invisalign is actually better than braces. Take a look at some of these photos and be the judge of how effective Invisalign is:

Many Invisalign doctors and the public often comment on the limitations of Invisalign treatment to basic treatment. They believe that aligners are only good for correcting minor problems, while braces are better and required for more difficult treatments. A few providers will tell you that they have corrected severe crowding, severe spacing, severe rotations, class 2 malocclusions, class 3 malocclusions, open bites, cases requiring extraction, and even used Invisalign in conjunction with jaw surgery. So, why the discrepancy?

The answer is that the scope of what experienced providers can do with Invisalign is greater than that of those that are less experienced. They may use attachments, IPR, buttons, elastics, and movements, in conjunction with sections of partial braces to achieve the desired results. Unfortunately, this group of experienced doctors providing excellent Invisalign treatment is a small percentage of those out there that are certified to provide it.

Aside from the doctor aspect, Invisalign treatment requires a compliant patient. It requires someone who will wear the aligners as directed, and practice proper oral hygiene. If you don’t feel that your lifestyle can allow you to comply with treatment, don’t go for this removable treatment that is compliance based. One common concern is the need to take aligners out for eating, and then brushing/flossing, before replacing them. Often overlooked is that patients are supposed to brush after each meal with braces, and may be required to use elastics as well. The ability to take aligners out for eating and cleaning actually simplifies these activities, making it an excellent choice for patients who may be unable to clean properly around fixed braces.

According to my niece they work differently She worked in a Dental office.
I myself wanted to get invisalign, but I do not have insurance and they are about 3x more than braces.

I do not have braces, because I do not want to correct all my teeth, just my 2 front bottom teeth.
Also, you will have to get new fittings periodically, because of the shifting.

I believe they work much better than braces, and of course the comestic features as well.
Hope to get invisalign someday.

Hope this helps.

Yes Invisalign works, I have it and I'm done my bottom treatment and my teeth are perfect. They are not as effecitve as traditional braces, as they can only fix minor problems, where as braces can fix just about anything. They also take longer than traditional braces and they do not fix bite problems as effectively.

I'm not sure if it is effective for actually straightening teeth. However, my orthodontist had me on regular braces for two years and gave me invisalign as a retainer. Most of the orthodontists in my area are starting to do that. I figure that they aren't giving people them as braces for a reason. It's a great retainer though! (:

yes, it is just as effective. However, it takes longer for them to work. ex. you may get desired results with traditional braces in two years; invasalign may 2.5 to 3 years.

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