Getting a flipper after extraction, Please help!?!

Question: Getting a flipper after extraction, Please help!?
It is a tooth in the back of my mouth, but I have no idea what a flipper will feel like, or look like.

I looked up flippers but all I found was front teeth replacement, not back teeth.

Can I eat with it in?
Will it looks real?

Any info will help


You will be able to eat with the flipper. While it is primarily intended to be only a temporary fix, some people keep them for years, even decades.

On the other hand, it is often not even necessary for a back molar. Unless the missing tooth is visible when you smile, I cannot imagine why anyone would bother with it. When I had a back molar removed while I was waiting for a tooth implant, I just lived with the space, and I got used to it in about a week or two. After that, I didn't even think about it until the gum healed enough for the implant. Talk to your dentist about whether your empty space will be visible during normal use. (Obviously, you will be able to see the tooth is missing when you brush or open very wide, but that shouldn't matter.) If it is not going to be obvious, see if you can get out of needing a flipper.

And that leads to your second question: Will it look real? The answer again is yes. They will match the tooth color to the rest of your mouth, so it will blend right in. But as I said, if it is in the back, it shouldn't be noticeable anyway.

Good luck and I hope this helps.

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