Is it okay to get braces while pregnant ?!

Question: Is it okay to get braces while pregnant ?
I'm 18 and pregnant. I'm financially secure and have been with my fiancée for 4 years so save the lectures, please. My family is happy and suppostive.
I don't have the best teeth, they're straight but have some gaps and an over bite which gives me a double chin. I only weight 129 so it looks funny. I have a round head so I always wanted it gone.
Anyway, do you think it's okay to get braces while pregnant? How long would I have to leave them on? I wanted to get them while still on my parents insurance.
People say I look young so I don't wanna look like a child. Input, please. Be nice.


I think it's fine.

I'm a dentist

I would put off the braces until after you have the baby.. Pregnancy can be really good, or you can have some complications. You don't need to add tooth pain to hormonal changes and back pain, etc... But, of course this is all up to you. You're a brave one if you decide to get the braces..
*Best wishes to you and your baby*

My friends that told me about medical probems that came up during their pregnancies.

couple things. fixing the gaps and overbite arent going to change the shape of your jaw/face drastically. all its going to do is move the teeth forward/back.

secondly, for the health of your spouse, id NOT recommend getting them. you will go through hormonal changes in pregnancy. having all your teeth in constant mind sheering pain for days on end isnt going to help. length of need for them depends on the severity of your overnbite/gaps. an orthodontist would have to say that.

not trying to be mean here, just had braces myself and they hurt. bad. id bite peoples heads off just because i was in pain, and i had -fairly- stable hormones of a teenage boy

i think theres no harm to the baby for there to be metal on your teeth for 6months, 1 year, or more. i dont know why you think there would be

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