Getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow, what to expect?!

Question: Getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow, what to expect?
I am getting all four of my wisdom teeth out at the hospital. I am not being put fully under, but they described it as half sedation, and I'll be somewhat conscious but not remember it.

So my wisdom teeth are impacted..will it hurt? What can I expect?


When I went to get my Wisdom Teeth taken out, two pretty dental assistant ladies sat me down and put an IV in my arm. I instantly felt very drunk and a little brazen. In the 10 seconds it took for me to completely pass out, I fired off a quick joke AND hit on the brunette. They laughed and pointed at me as I slumped over and started drooling on myself.

Seconds later I opened my eyes to find myself in a different room, leaning back with my mouth wide open. The procedure was done but I experienced no passing of time. I sat up, groggy and disoriented. One of the nurses came into the room and greeted me. When I tried to talk I realized that not only was my face, from the bridge of my nose to my adam's apple, completely numb but my mouth had absolutely no moisture in it whatsoever. My tongue had shriveled into a small, hard rock in the back of my throat and I when I tried to swallow it felt like I was going to choke on it. In addition, I had gauze balls stuck in the back of my mouth to absorb the blood, giving further cause to my choking sensation. I feebly tried to form words, asking the nurse for some water. She handed me a paper cup as my father entered the room, and for the second time that day, people pointed and laughed at me. This time because I poured every drop down the front of me. I asked for another try and really concentrated this time but my mouth had become a foreign, inanimate sand pit that was no longer connected to my brain. After I sent the second cup of water dribbling down my chin and into my lap, the nurse gave me a paper towel and a pamphlet that said that I really, really shouldn't smoke for at least a week after the operation with absolutely no mention of why.

So I went home and the first thing I ate/drank was a smoothie through a straw which I later learned is a sure way to give yourself "dry sockets". Dry sockets is a condition that occurs when they tell you over and over again not to smoke, but what they DON'T tell you is that the reason you shouldn't smoke is because sucking on something will make your new gum holes get "all f***** up".

Do I sound bitter? Not nearly as bitter as the taste of the hideous, petroleum based ointment that they slathered onto long, thin strips of fabric and then stuffed into my gum holes, replacing them periodically over a period of two weeks. Yes, every moment that I was awake for two weeks, all I could taste was the foul, spicy, metallic medicine slowly oozing into the back of my mouth. Ugh...

Other than that, it went pretty well.

It won't hurt until after when it'll feel throbbing. But there is painkillers for that. Also, expect not to eat solid food for a while. Good luck

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