How is Marijuana bad for you?!

Question: I'm always hearing people say, "Omg Marijuana is bad for you". But they never really seem to back it up. So my question is, How is marijuana bad for you? And can you back it up with proof?

Answers: I'm always hearing people say, "Omg Marijuana is bad for you". But they never really seem to back it up. So my question is, How is marijuana bad for you? And can you back it up with proof?

My personal feeling is that heavy, repeated use seems to affect short-term memory even when you're no longer, it's not bad as long as you don't mind forgetting what you were going to say, and having things slip your mind, and losing track of time, and so forth. Is it worth it? Well, if it was legal, I'd probably be smoking a bowl while asking you to repeat the question 'cause I forgot it...LOL!!!

For some people, it affects their motivation and ability to function. For some other people, it does lead to use of harder, more harmful drugs. And some people, all that happens is they laugh and get the munchies. I think it depends on the person.

Unfortunately we all have to live with laws created because of the worst-case-scenarios. It affected a few people badly, so now it's illegal for everyone. Someday they'll outlaw cheeseburgers too because a few people who ate them 24/7 died from clogged arteries. Wouldn't it be better to have a little bit of everything in reasonable moderation?

The other bad thing is you can't use it and pass a drug test.

Now, what was the question again?

It most definitley KILLS brain cells, which are not recoverable, once lost!
excerpt from article linked below:
Marijuana has some physical and mental effects that kick in after only a few uses, including:

Problems with memory and learning.
Difficulty thinking and problem solving.
Lowered grades in school or poor job performance.
Weakened relationships with friends and family.
Loss of coordination and risk of injury.
Inability to drive safely or do complex tasks for up to 24 hours after use.
Distorted senses of sight, hearing, touch, time, and depth.
Reduced athletic ability.
Elevated heart rate.
Panic attacks.

Compounding the problem is that the marijuana of today is not the marijuana of the baby boomers 30 years ago. Average THC levels rose from less than 1 percent in the mid-1970s to more than 8 percent in 2004. And the potency of B.C. Bud, a popular type of marijuana cultivated in British Columbia, Canada, is roughly twice the national average-ranging from 15 percent THC content to 20 percent or even higher.

click link for long-term affects, also.

its not!!

Marijuana kills brain cells and is a "gateway drug" meaning that once you use it too much the effects will lessen and you'll want to try something stronger

long term pretty bad it slows your nervous system but short term nothing bad just stoned

You're inhaling smoke.

Go stand over a fire and breathe deeply and then tell me if you think that's good for you.

There is NO scientific proof that Marijuana kills brain cells or causes any damage to the body.
It does, however, make you want to not do a damn thing!

Marijuana isnt bad at all. Check all the studies people have done on it and you might be surprised by their findings.

Two dress sizes in one weekend. Omg, have you ever heard of the major munchies?!?!?!

if you're a regular user it's bad, besides the smoke in the lung long term users suffer from memory loss

well death can be one. however, i saw a study that smoking marijuana helps individuals with brain issues, one female even solved her studering problem by smelling marijuana so yeah i think there is more use for it then bad

The proof I have is the group of stoners I used to hang around. They never did anything and had no motivation. The only ones who improved stopped smoking it.

well... i dont takes u to jail thats 1, you get breathing problems (diseases and cancers ) :(

although your body cant be addicted to weed, your mind can. Also there are studies that say the more you smoke the lower your IQ becomes.

take a look around sweety at the people who have smoked for years and that is all the proof you need. Maybe the question is why do you need proof. It is illegal, makes you stupid, is expensive and really serves no purpose in anyone life.

What is so wrong with being sober?

The only way marijuana is bad for you is the smoke. Inhaling smoke is bad for your lungs so it can cause diseases like lung cancer, etc. And the chemicals also kill brain cells, which can lead to memory loss and other conditions. But, it is not like cigarettes where there are TONS of harmful chemicals with lots of terrible side-effects. It is also bad obviously, because smoking marijuana can cause you to act in dangerous ways, where you could endanger your health. But, marijuana is a pain killer, and when in small doses, (not smoked) it can be beneficial, which is why it is used by some cancer patients. Hope this helps?!

Also check out this website:

Anytime you inhale smoke into your lungs it is bad for your lungs other than that It's mostly positive with a lot of negative propaganda added .

1. kills brain cells
2. it practically kills your lungs...go to google images and look up lungs of a you want your lungs to look like that?
3. it makes you all numb to everthing..would you want to be around an emotionless goon?
i dont think so

and if you want proof just go look up effects of marijuana and see all the bad stuff the sites say

It can cause lung damage just like tobacco, and it can lead to psychosis if you are genetically predisposed to psychosis. I can give you more reasons if you want.

Marijuana use in a prepaid health care-based study cohort had little effect on non-AIDS mortality in men and on total mortality in women

Effects of Marijuana on the Brain

Researchers have found that THC changes the way in which sensory information gets into and is processed by the hippocampus. The hippocampus is a component of the brain's limbic system that is crucial for learning, memory, and the integration of sensory experiences with emotions and motivations. Investigations have shown that neurons in the information processing system of the hippocampus and the activity of the nerve fibers in this region are suppressed by THC. In addition, researchers have discovered that learned behaviors, which depend on the hippocampus, also deteriorate via this mechanism.

Recent research findings also indicate that long-term use of marijuana produces changes in the brain similar to those seen after long-term use of other major drugs of abuse.

Effects on the Lungs

Someone who smokes marijuana regularly may have many of the same respiratory problems as tobacco smokers. These individuals may have daily cough and phlegm, symptoms of chronic bronchitis, and more frequent chest colds. Continuing to smoke marijuana can lead to abnormal functioning of lung tissue injured or destroyed by marijuana smoke.

Regardless of the THC content, the amount of tar inhaled by marijuana smokers and the level of carbon monoxide absorbed are three to five times greater than among tobacco smokers. This may be due to the marijuana users' inhaling more deeply and holding the smoke in the lungs and because marijuana smoke is unfiltered.

Effects on Heart Rate and Blood Pressure

Recent findings indicate that smoking marijuana while shooting up cocaine has the potential to cause severe increases in heart rate and blood pressure. In one study, experienced marijuana and cocaine users were given marijuana alone, cocaine alone, and then a combination of both. Each drug alone produced cardiovascular effects; when they were combined, the effects were greater and lasted longer. The heart rate of the subjects in the study increased 29 beats per minute with marijuana alone and 32 beats per minute with cocaine alone. When the drugs were given together, the heart rate increased by 49 beats per minute, and the increased rate persisted for a longer time. The drugs were given with the subjects sitting quietly. In normal circumstances, an individual may smoke marijuana and inject cocaine and then do something physically stressful that may significantly increase the risk of overloading the cardiovascular system.

Effects of Heavy Marijuana Use on Learning and Social Behavior

A study of college students has shown that critical skills related to attention, memory, and learning are impaired among people who use marijuana heavily, even after discontinuing its use for at least 24 hours. Researchers compared 65 "heavy users," who had smoked marijuana a median of 29 of the past 30 days, and 64 "light users," who had smoked a median of 1 of the past 30 days. After a closely monitored 19- to 24-hour period of abstinence from marijuana and other illicit drugs and alcohol, the undergraduates were given several standard tests measuring aspects of attention, memory, and learning. Compared to the light users, heavy marijuana users made more errors and had more difficulty sustaining attention, shifting attention to meet the demands of changes in the environment, and in registering, processing, and using information. These findings suggest that the greater impairment among heavy users is likely due to an alteration of brain activity produced by marijuana.

Longitudinal research on marijuana use among young people below college age indicates those who used marijuana have lower achievement than the non-users, more acceptance of deviant behavior, more delinquent behavior and aggression, greater rebelliousness, poorer relationships with parents, and more associations with delinquent and drug-using friends.

Research also shows more anger and more regressive behavior (thumb sucking, temper tantrums) in toddlers whose parents use marijuana than among the toddlers of non-using parents.

Effects on Pregnancy

Any drug of abuse can affect a mother's health during pregnancy, making it a time when expectant mothers should take special care of themselves. Drugs of abuse may interfere with proper nutrition and rest, which can affect good functioning of the immune system. Some studies have found that babies born to mothers who used marijuana during pregnancy were smaller than those born to mothers who did not use the drug. In general, smaller babies are more likely to develop health problems.

A nursing mother who uses marijuana passes some of the THC to the baby in her breast milk. Research indicates that the use of marijuana by a mother during the first month of breast-feeding can impair the infant's motor development (control of muscle movement).

Addictive Potential

A drug is addicting if it causes compulsive, often uncontrollable drug craving, seeking, and use, even in the face of negative health and social consequences. Marijuana meets this criterion. More than 120,000 people enter drug treatment per year for their primary marijuana addiction. In addition, animal studies suggest marijuana causes physical dependence, and some people report withdrawal symptoms.

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i does kill brain cells which will not come back. it also makes people lazy and unmotivated which is not a good character trait health wise I'm sure its like anything else use in moderation

If it was good for you, every one would promote it, would legalize it, would smoke it. Here is a website for you to look at.

Filling your lungs with smoke is bad for you! Holding the smoke in your lungs cuts the oxygen that gets to the brain, clogs the air sacks as well and coats them with tar, soot and what ever is in that smoke. That is why it is bad for you.
Personally I doubt that it is much worse than tabacco, both are filling your lungs with toxic smoke.

in amsterdamn they don't think it is..

my opion i dont think it is any different effect than ciggs, or alcholol , just the government cant make money off it so that makes it illegal , but i guess it is ok to have ppl drink and drive and kill and innocent family , or kill a pregnant women , or a innocent lil baby but i guess that is how the stupid gov works, and marijuanna is grown so u dont add ne harmful chemicals , like ciggs so i dont care wat neone says this is wat i believe

Marjunana is so terrible for you.. and heres some proof:

Well,one thing is right ,it is a gateway drug. But i seriously havent seen negativity outta it. I know some people that have been smoking for years and they are proffesionals in life,careers,it helps cope with problems. Just kick back relaxation is what really truly comes out of smoking maryjane

It kills your brain cells and eventually you'll be really stupid because of smoking it too much.

Here is some proof. Smoke some ganja, ragweed, or splif and then get into a car and drive the wrong way down the interstate highway. What do you think?

it kills u
it makes u weak and damages ur organs which u need to survive. so without dem organs u will die
dat's y it's bad

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