Does meth cause people to get vilolent and why?!

Question: Meth causes people to do many things that are not normal for them to be doing...It is a drug you can stay awake on for days or even weeks...while the body might not feel tired the brain certainly does start to misfire after a few days of sleep deprivation, hallucinations are very common, and perception of reality is impaired , causing radical mood swings, and yes sometimes violent behavior ...I am going to relate a personal story that I am not very proud of but it is relevant to your question and the timing of it... At 12:00 AM tonight I was released from my parole , I served 22 months in McCormick state prison in SC for manufacturing and possession with intent to distribute meth. my co-defendant (a woman) bonded out of jail before going to trial, she got very high and after a couple of days she and an accomplice lured the woman who she believed called the police on us to a trailer and killed her with a baseball sadly she is now serving a triple life sentence in Broad river correctional facility in SC. She is through..."game over" for her. there are ppl that will tell you that meth is great, that it won't hurt you, that the media has made meth out to be worse than it is...these ppl are stupid ...Take it from a guy that has lost a heck of a lot and believe me I got lucky I didn't lose more, most ppl with my charges get 15 years or more, not to mention the house and all my personal belongings and my bank accounts that were seized by the state. sorry to have to tell such a horrible story but I guess that is part of my story to tell...thankfully it is a chapter of my life that is now closed. =) pls stay away from meth, no good will ever come from it.

Answers: Meth causes people to do many things that are not normal for them to be doing...It is a drug you can stay awake on for days or even weeks...while the body might not feel tired the brain certainly does start to misfire after a few days of sleep deprivation, hallucinations are very common, and perception of reality is impaired , causing radical mood swings, and yes sometimes violent behavior ...I am going to relate a personal story that I am not very proud of but it is relevant to your question and the timing of it... At 12:00 AM tonight I was released from my parole , I served 22 months in McCormick state prison in SC for manufacturing and possession with intent to distribute meth. my co-defendant (a woman) bonded out of jail before going to trial, she got very high and after a couple of days she and an accomplice lured the woman who she believed called the police on us to a trailer and killed her with a baseball sadly she is now serving a triple life sentence in Broad river correctional facility in SC. She is through..."game over" for her. there are ppl that will tell you that meth is great, that it won't hurt you, that the media has made meth out to be worse than it is...these ppl are stupid ...Take it from a guy that has lost a heck of a lot and believe me I got lucky I didn't lose more, most ppl with my charges get 15 years or more, not to mention the house and all my personal belongings and my bank accounts that were seized by the state. sorry to have to tell such a horrible story but I guess that is part of my story to tell...thankfully it is a chapter of my life that is now closed. =) pls stay away from meth, no good will ever come from it.

Not neccecarily, it just becomes your top priority so violence may happen if you need to steal or something to get money.

it makes people do crazy stuff, but i dont think violent

yes. meth. is an amphetamine (speed);

Meth causes people to steal, become crazy, violent, end up killing people, en up in jail, or at a cementary

It amps them beyond their control... if they were stable in the first place they would never consider rotting their brain, teeth, and body with the junk... they hang with a dysfunctional crowd... paranoia sets in...and their tweaked perspective leads to violence.

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