How to increase height ?!

Question: Im 17. I am 5'5 or 168cm tall.. I wanna be taller .. Any tips or advices ?

Answers: Im 17. I am 5'5 or 168cm tall.. I wanna be taller .. Any tips or advices ?

1. Please do warm up exercises before other stretching exercises.

2. Do not exceed the pain threshold.

3. Increase the number of repetitions gradually from 5 counts to 15 counts.

4. Do your exercises with breathing in and out rhythm.

Warm up Exercises:

Shoulder Circles

- Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.
- Raise your right shoulder towards your right ear, take it backwards, down and then up again to the ear in a smooth action.
- Repeat with the other shoulder.

Arm Circles

- Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.
- Lift one arm and reach forward, lift it up and backwards in a continuous circling motion.
- Keep the back straight at all times. Repeat with the other arm.

Upper Back Stretch

- Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.
- Interlock your fingers and push your hands as far away from your chest as possible, allowing your upper back to relax.
- You should feel the stretch between your shoulder blades.

Shoulder stretch

- Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.
- Place your right arm, parallel with the ground across the front of your chest.
- Bend the left arm up and use the left forearm to ease the right arm closer to you chest.
- You will feel the stretch in the shoulder. Repeat with the other arm.

Shoulder and Tricep Stretch

- Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.
- Place both hands above your head and then slide both of your hands down the middle of your spine.
- You will feel the stretch in the shoulders and the triceps.

Trunk Twists

- Stand tall with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, hands resting on hips.
- Rotate the upper body slowly and smoothly to bring right shoulder to the front.
- Rotate the upper body slowly and smoothly to bring left shoulder to the front.
- Keeping your back straight and your hips facing forward.

Side Bends

- Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, hands resting on the hips.
- Bend slowly to one side, come back to the vertical position and then bend to the other side.
- Do not lean lean forwards or backwards.

Hamstring Stretch

- Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent and the feet pointing at approximately 45 degrees to the side.
- Hold your hands out in front of you for balance.
- Bend at the knees until your thighs are parallel with the floor (Squat).
- Straighten your legs to return to your starting position.
- At all time keep your back straight, look straight ahead and ensure your knees always point in the same direction as your feet.
- You will feel the stretch in the hamstrings.

Calf Stretch

- Stand tall with one leg in front of the other, hands flat and at shoulder height against a wall.
- Ease your back leg further away from the wall, keeping it straight and press the heel firmly into the floor.
- Keep your hips facing the wall and the rear leg and spine in a straight line.
- You will feel the stretch in the calf of the rear leg.
- Repeat with the other leg.

Hip and Thigh Stretch

- Stand tall with you feet approximately two shoulder widths apart.
- Turn the feet and face to the right.
- Bend the right leg so that the right thigh is parallel with the ground and the right lower leg is vertical.
- Gradually lower the body.
- Keep you back straight and use the arms to balance.
- You will feel the stretch along the front of the left thigh and along the hamstrings of the right leg.
- Repeat by turning and facing to the left.

Other Exercises and activities you can do are:

- Stand in front of a high shelf. Try to raise yourself up on toes as if to keep something there.

- You can stretch your vertebral column with hanging exercises on the wall bars.

- Lie on the floor with face down. Ask someone to hold your ankles. You try to push up with your arms until you are straight and try to walk your hands forward. Your body should not sag.

- Try movements like climbing a tree.

Some activities which you could try: -

- Jump over two hurdles
- Do rope skipping
- Practice high jumps
- Do bicycle riding.

The whole regime might take you a month to accomplish. Go gradually and you will succeed.

try skipping and swimming

I would also like to be taller but its not in my cards. I am only 5'4". But no matter what you want you will only grow as tall as your genes say you will grow. It all depends on what is in your gene pool. I don't think there is a way to make yourself taller unless you add lifts to your shoes.

Since you are only 17, you might grow a little taller. For me, I am all done growing taller, all I can do is grow

play a lot of basket ball!

well milk and dairy products should also eat loots of meat they really enhance the growing process...and i guess swimming does help

I'm sorry to tell you that your final height was predetermined by genetics. You cannot grow taller than the genes giving to you by your parents allow. I'm not even sure if steroids would help.

I had a friend in High shcool who was always short than one summer, his 18th or19th he shot up like three inches. Perhaps the same will happen with you. But jus be happy with who you are and not the package your contained in.

do some hanging exercise.It has something to do with ur genes also.

Hi, this is a small Idea help to increase hight,
keep some news papers on the floor under one shelf(small roof or lentle), which is little much hight (approx 3" to 6" inch) when you pick the shelf standing below. Stand on News papers and Pick the shelf to hang for few minutes daily. Remove one single paper from the bunch everyday. Some results may got by doing this tip.

you can't really "make yourself taller"
you can wear clothes [shoes etc] to make you LOOK taller.
Practice your posture - the straighter the posture the taller you look.

you are only 17, a few more inches might be in store.

good luck!

first of all every day strech your body and then after that hang ur self to tall thing and swing

try doing back exercise this will make your vertebrae straight you can gain upto an inch

You will probably grow another inch to peak at 5'6 as males usually stop growing at 18.

You cannot actually speed up the growing process but you can certainly find plenty of dubious claims in searches for "grow taller naturally", "amino acids to grow taller" and "growth pills".

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