Marijuana help?!

Question: i want to buy some off my friend on monday
(a niklebag of rag)
but i am having serious second thoughts
wat are the effects of being high?
is it really that noticeable?
would you reccomend visine for the red eyes?
Why the hell should i not go through with it?

Answers: i want to buy some off my friend on monday
(a niklebag of rag)
but i am having serious second thoughts
wat are the effects of being high?
is it really that noticeable?
would you reccomend visine for the red eyes?
Why the hell should i not go through with it?

You can use visine for red eyes, that's what I do.

The effects can best be described as inhaling your childhood. You feel like you're 6 again and the whole world is new and fascinating, its an amazing feeling.

If you don't have red eyes, people might notice you're not yourself but just say you are feeling sick, there is nothing they can do about that.

It will not adversely effect you for life or even 2 days after. You will not die and it is unlikely you will be caught. Even if you are, unless you are driving, you will likely only face a small fine and no jail time. You only live once, if you don't experience it now, you never will; because it has very few health effects, why not?

You don't have to limit yourself to only once. It is OK to smoke occasionally to relax, many users do this. Once a week or month won't effect you anymore than avid caffeine use.

The smell will not be noticeable on your breath for longer than like 5 minutes. Eating and drinking will easily mask this.

Umm, don't do it..
You'll act mega weird.
&& yeah, don't..

Dont do it dude. Stupidest thing you'll ever do.

Dont do it, through personal experience the commercials are kind of right. Like the one with the old dude coming out of a cacoon he built out of weed since he was a teenager, its kjind of true. You will forget little things that soon turns into a problem like locking your keys in the car, when you start driving. Just stupid things happen to you to hold you back form not doing the things you need to do,the people you start hanging around will hold you back sometimes. Or you might end up a functioning pothead like myself!! And yes if its some good pot people will notice if your high.

I thought i was gonna do it once , then it happened every week
then it went to every day , them 5 times every day , then i started
doing other drugs like ecstasy , lsd , and even tried cocaine ,
I would say go to school study , dont do it , but maybe grab some beers on the weekend to relax , its much better choice to relax over drugs.

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