Do smokers truly not care that non smokers can smell them yards away?!

Question: Seriously, do you not feel bad about going around with yellow teeth and the smell of stale tobacco? Tell me: What is so darn good about smoking? Plus you're playing Russian Roulette with your health?

Answers: Seriously, do you not feel bad about going around with yellow teeth and the smell of stale tobacco? Tell me: What is so darn good about smoking? Plus you're playing Russian Roulette with your health?

I've never smoked, but I've had lots of friends who do. I've asked them about why they do, etc. Some interesting things I have found over the years:

many can NOT stand the smell of smoke--they will not smoke in their houses or cars or let anyone else do it!

none of them "enjoyed" smoking

all of them claimed they wanted to stop and each had tried more than twice and then went back to it

the few I knew who eventually seemed to kick the habit were the MOST aggressive and intolerant of smoking--more so than someone like me with asthma, allergies, etc.--they'd be outraged over anyone who smoked.

a lot of my friends were recovering alcoholics--many had kicked alcohol (and sometimes other drugs) for years--but tobacco had a death grip on them

They do know smoking is bad for you. Anyone who is 50 or younger knew BEFORE he smoked it was incredibly stupid, wasteful, etc. Many admitted they wanted to be "cool" and/or (opposite of cool) one or both parents smoked.

They don't realize how bad they stink because the can no longer truly smell the smoke--it's how some folks adapt to working on ranches--eventually the manure doesn't "register."

Some smokers are just rude and want to inflict their personal problems on others--so they TRY to stink and chain smoke to provoke people so they can scream they're "victims"--just don't want to admit they victimize themselves and anyone in their air space. I think most, however, are VERY sorry they ever started--apparently it's one of the hardest addictions to beat.

I don't think that they realize the smell. Smoking actually effects the olfactory sensors and decreases the nose's sensitivity. My parents smoked as I was growing up and I never realized that I smelled like it until I moved out and went to college. Now the smell makes me CRAZY!
I think that it's horrible that parents will let thier kids smell like this and go to school that way without a second thought...I have talked to my parents about it for my younger siblings best mom quit and my dad only smokes outside or in the garage now!

I agree! 100%, and how do you know! these are the very people to tell others, how well they are and maybe have
some criticism to offer, until they have to be carried away on
an ambulance. A habitual smoker can be detected from
miles away, but to them all else are not "With it"! if a cigarette
is not the thing to do.

And every time you get behind the wheel you are playing Russian roulette as well. Should I feel free to tell off the guy next to me on the train cause doesn't hold back his horrendous gas? Do paper mills care that they smell for MILES away and are polluting the environment and causing major wold wide destruction? My teeth are not yellow, cause I brush and floss and go to the dentist every 6 months. I wash my clothes regularly. I was working at my current job for over a year before anyone knew I was a smoker. People have yellow teeth and smell cause they have bad hygiene. Many toothless people never smoked a day in their life, but they didn't brush regularly. Some people have horrible and chronic halitosis (bad breath) [and body odor], do I ask them not to breathe or to bathe because they stink?
Negativity is not the route to take in supporting smokers to quit. (smokers usually smoke under duress/ stress, so causing them to feel like crap about being a smoker actually increases their desire to smoke) So be part of the solution, not part of the problem. Always remember that smokers are more than just a smoker, they are people who do all kinds of other things too. Don't be a jerk, and offer solutions not criticism.

we dont care if you dont like the smell
may i suggest febreeze air affects ? <3

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