Does Anyone now anything about getting your tonsils out?!

Question: I have to get mine out soon. And I'm not really sure what to expect, I was going to phone the GP because I won't see a doctor until the day of the Operation, Which is 8am, But I decided to Ask here first
Thanks :]?x

Answers: I have to get mine out soon. And I'm not really sure what to expect, I was going to phone the GP because I won't see a doctor until the day of the Operation, Which is 8am, But I decided to Ask here first
Thanks :]?x

Just cos you're in at 8am it doesn't mean you'll be the first one in theatre so be prepared with a book or a game to kill the boredom and going without food or drink for a few hours. You'll be asked questions by nurses and different docs and anaesthetic doc to make sure you're not allergic to anything etc and to make sure you understand what your operation is.

After your op you'll be kept in the recovery room for an hour or so and they'll be monitoring any pain levels so be honest if it hurts tell them they'll give you painkillers.

Make sure you ask the nurse how to look after yourself and what foods you should eat when you're being discharged as sometimes they are too rushed to get you out so they can get the next patient in the bed to think about telling you these things.

Finally good luck hope it all goes well and that the op means its the last of your throat problems!!

***They put pads on your chest so you have wires to monitor your heart rate and a iv in a vein on the back on your hand they sedate you 1st through that and place an oxygen mask over your nose and mouth while they administer all the drugs you need to keep you knocked out. The next thing you will know is waking up in the recovery room where they should give you one to one care which means a nurse looking after just you before they consider you well enough to go back to the ward. Hope that answers some of that last question!!!

You will need some anaesthetic.

I had mine out when I was 11. I had a very bad sore throat for a couple of days and you have to be careful to eat only soft foods for at least a week. I got along fine with mine. However, after the operation I found I still got sick with the same illness that I had before my tonsils came out. The tonsillectomy did not help.

First you will get an IV shot. (easy as cake) then they will lay you down and put you to sleep- you will be basically knocked outfor about 4 hours. when you get up, it will feel really painful but you should drink lots and get at least 4 days of rest! You will seem REALLY tired when u get back up so be careful! It was an easy operation and i got mine out at ten years old, but it seems that adults who get their tonsils out have to deal with more throat pain and have to up a bit more. P.S. do not eat bananas until 4-6 days after the operation. good luck! :)

i had mine out years a go , all i can remember was having bit sore throat and eating lots of jelly and ice cream. i stayed in hospital for about 4 days but now i think your in and out next day .

Yes,i had mine out 2 years ago i am 29,the doctor will use a general anasthetic to put you to sleep,when you wake it does hurt,though i found the needle in my hand from the ansthetic painful,next time i asked them to be gentle,they were so just say that,you will need to eat normally i had toast almost as soon as i woke up and this is better for the healing process.Make sure you keep up with the painkillers they give you afterwards you will need them.
I have no regrets for having this done,i dont suffer as much with sore throats and feel i can even breathe better since so dont worry good luck.

i had mine out two years ago at the ripe ol age of 43 and it hurt like hell............ sorry but it did. all i survived on for two weeks was room temp water, forget the ice cream and iced water, that was like swallowing razor blades. if you can ask the dr to give you some anti biotics to take care of any infection that may arise rather than wait till you have an infection then have to go hospital or wait for an appointment. i suffered with tonsilitus for years and altho i felt awful after the op, it has been worth it. good luck.

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