Does anyone know what my symptoms mean??? please help!?!

Question: thanks for attempting to help first off. and well im 19 years old and ive been getting these feeling of numbness/tinglyness (like when your leg falls to sleep) they usually start in my chest... go to both arms... my neck.. then my jaw and face. ive asked so many people what it could be and no one has any idea. i usually get light headed when it happens, sometimes it becomes a little hard for me to speak, like my throat is constricted. all of these symptoms lasts for about 10-30 minuts and usually goes away a little when i lay down if not completely. it happens verry randomly. maby once a month?? sometimes every 2 months maby. and one time it happened 3 days in a row. and 2 times the one day. it happened again today while i was driving and now i need awnsers. (the numbness has also gone into my legs once for about 10 mins) i become a bit short of breath. and this has been going on for abotu a year im guessing. please help i really need to find out whats wrong with me. thanks so much.

Answers: thanks for attempting to help first off. and well im 19 years old and ive been getting these feeling of numbness/tinglyness (like when your leg falls to sleep) they usually start in my chest... go to both arms... my neck.. then my jaw and face. ive asked so many people what it could be and no one has any idea. i usually get light headed when it happens, sometimes it becomes a little hard for me to speak, like my throat is constricted. all of these symptoms lasts for about 10-30 minuts and usually goes away a little when i lay down if not completely. it happens verry randomly. maby once a month?? sometimes every 2 months maby. and one time it happened 3 days in a row. and 2 times the one day. it happened again today while i was driving and now i need awnsers. (the numbness has also gone into my legs once for about 10 mins) i become a bit short of breath. and this has been going on for abotu a year im guessing. please help i really need to find out whats wrong with me. thanks so much.

It could possibly be a symptom of deficiency in vitamin B12?? This will produce symptoms such as fatigue an exhaustion, headaches and migraines, numbness and tingling and prickling sensations in the outer extremities, dizzy spells, fainting and loss of balance, heart palpitations and chest pains,excessive sweating, excessive urination and dry mouth, night muscle spasms, leg cramps, nausea and vomiting, depression, insomnia and constipation, irritability and moodiness and an inability to think clearly ....Quite scary actually if you don't realise the vitamin factor.

Vitamin B6 is essential for the effective assimilation of B12, tricylic antidepressants will rob you of your B6 supplies as will pencillin and prednisone.

Eat more foods rich in vitamin B6 ie ~ liver, fish, cantalope, cabbage, blackstrap molasses, oats, eggs, roasted peanuts, wheat bran, wheat germ and unmilled rice.

Eat more foods rich in vitamin B12 ie: organ meats such as lambs fry and kidneys, skimmed milks and cheeses, fish and eggs.

If you are lactose intolerant or vegetarian then it is really important that you supplement your diet with a multi B complex tablet on a daily basis and focus on meat free iron rich sources

Things that could be robbing you of your precious B complex of vitamins are :- eating too much protein, alcohol, eating too much tinned food, laxatives, diuretics, antiobiotics, antidepressants, penicillin, prednisone and aspirin and otc cold and flu medicines.

Also, try to cut back on drinks such as caffeine, tea, sodas and soft drinks and alcohol (if you drink any) as they are all B complex thieves........ as well as being great at dehydrating you.

Take a multi B complex tablet including all the B's ie: B1, B2 B3, B5, B6 and B12 as they work best synergistically (together).

The B complex of vitamins is essential for healthy neural, digestive and immune system functioning.

The B complex of vitamins is a water soluble complex and as such our bodies can neither store or produce them. Therefore we need to ingest them on a daily basis or suffer the consequences as you unfortunately are

When you take your daily B complex supplement ensure that you take it with some type of calcium rich food or a calcium supplement containing vitamin D3 as they all work in conjunction with one another (depend on each other for effective assimilation) . Quite a handfull of information here ........ sorry it's a bit long winded but you need to know all this.

When our bodies are placed under added stress such as sickness, relationship dramas, new job, school studies or just daily life really, the B complex of vitamins are usually the first group to get used up and we therefore need to adjust our intake accordingly.

When you are getting any stress related symptoms or any of the above mentioned symptoms simply take another B tablet. As they are water soluble our bodies will simply excrete any excess in our urine.

Eat more foods rich in magnesium too as magnesium is known as the antistress mineral and will help you deal better with the everyday stress life heaps on us....... magnesium is essential for healthy nerve and muscle functioning and of course for heart health.

magnesium rich foods will also aid in eliminating constipation by increasing the production of hydrochloric acid in your tummy and thus aiding in digestion..... it will also cure an acid tummy.

foods rich in magnesium are ~ leafy and green vegies, nuts andseeds, wholegrain cereals and wholegrain breads, cold water fishes such as tuna, sardines, salmon and whiting.

Drink loads of fresh filtered water too as the happiest and healthiest body will always be the most hydrated one.

I sincerely wish you the best of health & vitality buddy?


There could be many assumptions to your illnesses, I would say that you might be a diabetic. I don't know for sure. Check with your local G.P about your symptoms.

From anxiety to ALS. You need to see a cardiologist or neurologist (or both)

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