How can your pysical fitness impact on the 5 dimensions of health?!

Question: Mental

Answers: Mental

mental: physical fittness will decrease the liklihood of mental illness such as depression and anxiety.

physical: optimal organ system function, less likly to develope lifestyle related diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes and obesity. optimal organ functions means optimal energy which helps an individual function and do day to day activities. less likly to become ill because physical fittness promotes a healthy immune system. (etc....make up heaps of examples)

emotional: much like mental. individuals who are physically fit tend to have higher self esteems and self concept. more able to control emotions.

social: higher self esteem/concept enables a person to effectivly socially interact with others. doing physical activity also promotes social interaction especially for individuals who play club sports like netball and football.

spiritual: not sure about that one. im guessing physical fittness enables a person to be apart of there culture and religious community. never learnt that one in high school.

Ok, well I used to be at least 210 lbs. back in 2005. I stopped looking at the scale when it hit 200. I've lost 80 lbs. since then, kept it off, and continue to loose more. (On my profile.)
Mentally, I was unstable. I felt like I had lost my will. I had to get to a point where I could look at myself and re-evaluate what I was doing. I had to start wanting to loose weight and be more physically fit for me.
Physically, I couldn't walk down the street with my kids more than a block or play ball with them in the front yard without getting winded. Now, I walk 1 1/2 - 2 hours a day, exercise 6 days out of the week and stay active with my kids, and they are so proud of me.
Emotionally, I felt gross and terrible about myself. My self-esteem was very low. I was also quick to get angry with my kids. Now, I feel so much better since I've lost the weight. I feel more confident.
Socially, I didn't hang with much of anyone and didn't want pictures taken of me at all. So, I became somewhat of a hermit. Now, we still pretty much keep to ourselves, but I'm more apt to talk to someone in a crowd, a friend or old friend. I'm more confident.
Spiritually, I still remained spiritual, but I was very emotionally drained. I was crying alot. Now, I'm still spiritual, but things are much better. :) Hope that helps.

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