My mom is sick?!

Question: what helps food poisoning???????????????

Answers: what helps food poisoning???????????????

plenty of rest and lots of fluids, particularly water and gatorade (or anything with electrolytes). it should run it's course in about a day or two, but if she gets worse or hasn't improved in a couple of days she should go to the clinic and get checked's nice that you are concerned about your mom...just take care of her as best as you can, and she will get better

a doctor

It depends on how sick it has made her. If she's real sick, she should go to the ER but otherwise, just rest and liquids. Got to keep the liquids in her body. I feel sorry for her; I have had it and I thought my stomach would fall out! Hope she's better soon.

The element Boron and ketchup.
But seriously....flat liquids such as orange juice and water. nothing fizzy trust me. Toast is always good for illnesses i find. hope your mum gets better soon.

I had it once. The doctor made me drink this chalk stuff. It help relax the stomach lining. The best thing she can do is rest. Drink plenty of water and sit up a little. It will prevent any stomach acid from burning her esophagus.

Dont eat anything the stomach needs to rest. Water is best!

You will usually recover from the most common types of food poisoning within a couple of days. The goal is to make you feel better and avoid dehydration. Drink any fluid (except milk or caffeinated beverages) to replace fluids lost by diarrhea and vomiting. Children should be given an electrolyte sold in drugstores. Don't eat solid foods until the diarrhea has passed, and avoid dairy, which can worsen diarrhea.

If you have diarrhea and are unable to drink fluids (for example, due to nausea or vomiting), you may need medical attention and intravenous fluids. This is especially true for young children. If you take diuretics, you need to manage diarrhea carefully. Talk to your doctor -- you may need to stop taking the diuretic while you have the diarrhea. Medications should NEVER be stopped or changed without discussing with your doctor and getting specific instructions.

For the most common causes of food poisoning, your doctor would NOT prescribe antibiotics. Antibiotics can actually prolong diarrhea and keep the organism in your body longer.

If you have eaten toxins from mushrooms or shellfish, you will need to be seen right away. The emergency room doctor will take steps to empty out your stomach and remove the toxin

What Will the Doctor Do?
If you go to the doctor, he or she will ask you a lot of questions about how you're feeling, when you first felt sick, what you ate in the past few days, and if anyone else you know is also sick. The doctor might also take a sample of your stool (poop) and urine (pee) to test for possible germs that might have caused food poisoning.

The type of treatment you'll get for food poisoning will depend on the specific germ that is making you sick. The doctor might give you medicine, but most of the time people who have food poisoning don't need to take medicine.

It's also rare that a kid with food poisoning would need to go to the hospital. Usually, only people who get really dehydrated have to go to the hospital. Being dehydrated means your body has lost too much fluid due to diarrhea and vomiting. A dehydrated person can get fluids and medicine through an IV at the hospital. To keep from getting dehydrated, try to keep drinking fluids when you are sick.

You may also need to go to the hospital if you have blood in your poop. If you do see blood in your poop, you should definitely tell your parents about it.

Lots of water, Gatorade & starchy food to absorb
"poison", like toast, pasta, rice, baked or mashed potatoes,
applesauce, Jello.

If she gets a fever or can't keep food in, she should call MD & go to ER...She may need IV antibiotics.
If she's not better in a week's time (total),go to MD.

For nausea: flat ginger ale, sip Gatorade, Suck on ice chips.
For diarrhea: Pepto Bismol (also helps nausea & coats stomach), Kaopectate, Immodium.
Then don't eat or drink for 2 hrs. then start slowly with sipping Gatorade...flat ginger ale, if okay...plain toast,...keep drinking. Go back to foods mentioned before.

Hope your mom feels better soon.

"Food poisoning" is the body's attempt to quickly remove contaminated food from it's system. It is a natural, but unpleasant part of our defense system. If your Mom keeps vomiting even after her stomach is empty, a doctor can give her some medicine to stop that. She needs to stay hydrated, so some liquid (when she can tolerate it) is a good idea. Some people seem to like 7-Up or Sprite when their stomach is upset. Also, if she can eat some crackers, her diahrrea will get a little better, If she is still vomiting and having diarrhea after 24 hours, it is time to go to the doctor.

Keep an eye on your Mom, and let another adult relative (like an aunt or grandmother) know what is going on. If you get really scared, call your local emergency room and ask to speak to a nurse. She'll help you figure out the next step to take.

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