LSD Question??!

Question: LSD Question!?!?
i thought LSD, was supposed to be bad and harmful to you body, but if you go on wikipedia, it says its not bad at all, and how can u not overdose-if take loads on LSD!!? it's making it seem as if taking LSD is like taking a cough sweet!
and how can u see in different, weirded out colours!? i just dont get it! Isnt it illegal, so why are they making it seem okay to take it!Www@Answer-Health@Com

first off, wikipedia is a non-credible source that anyone can make an entry in!. the information from there should always be double checked!.

i have not known anyone to OD form it, even albert hofmann who invented it has done it 100's of time and he just died recently at the age of 102! maybe he's on to something!.

an overdose can happen with anything, not just drugs!. the result of an overdose can be different!. somethings are fatal, others are not!. saying that you can't OD on LSD probably just means that you can't die from it!. most of the deaths you hear about are from other chemicals that dealers and makers "cut" the drug with!. esctasy is a perect example of this!. pure MDMA can not kill you but the other substances can!. people can also have a heart attack while on LSD, not from the chemical, but from the experience they may have from it may induce panic or fear!. or they my jump off a building thinking they can fly!. the direct cause of death is not the LSD but a factor that was promoted by it!. with esctasy most people end up the hospital or die from dehydration and/or over heating since it promotes hypertheromia!.

just because the gov't makes something illegal, doesn't necessarly mean that it's bad and can kill you!. usually the reason they make a "drug" illegal is because they don't know the effects or they can't control the manufacturing of it (usually beacuse it can be made so easily) and therefor can't tax it!. just the opposite is also true!. the gov't make things legal that can knowningly harm you!.!.!.!.alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, energy drinks, compressed cans (you can huff them)!.!.!.!.the gov't is not a safety net and should be considered one!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The effects of LSD are unpredictable!.They depend on the amount taken, the user's personality, mood, and expectations, and the surroundings in which the drug is used!.The physical effects include dilated pupils, higher body temperature, increased heart rate and blood pressure, sweating, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, dry mouth, and tremors!. Sensations and feelings change much more dramatically than the physical signs!.The user may feel several different emotions at once or swing rapidly from one emotion to another!.If taken in a large enough dose, the drug produces delusions and visual hallucinations!.The user's sense of time and self changes!.Sensations may seem to "cross over," giving the user the feeling of hearing colors and seeing sounds!.These changes can be frightening and can cause panic!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

(a!.k!.a!. Acid, Stars, Trips, Blotters, Tab, Dots)
General Description
Drug Class: Hallucinogen

LSD (Iysergic acid diethylamide), commonly called "acid," is the most powerful known hallucinogen - a drug that radically changes a person's mental state by distorting the perception of reality to the point where, at high doses, hallucinations occur!. Although it is derived from a fungus that grows on rye and other grains, LSD is semi-synthetic!. It is chemically manufactured in illicit laboratories, except for a small amount which is produced legally for research!.

Even in very minute doses (for example, 50 to 100 micrograms - a microgram is 1/1000 of a milligram), LSD can significantly alter one's perceptions to the point of hallucination - that is, one sees or hears things that don't, in reality, exist!. Hence LSD's classification as a hallucinogen!.

Hallucinogens have also been labelled illusionogenic, psychotomimetic, psychedelic, and mind-expanding, depending on whether scientists or users are talking about them!. They include mescaline, psilocybin ("magic mushrooms"), and MDA (methylenedioxyamphetamine)!. Of this group, however, LSD is by far the most potent; it is approximately 100 times stronger than psilocybin and 4,000 times stronger than mescaline!.

Pure LSD is a white, odorless crystalline powder that is soluble in water!. Because an effective dose of the pure drug is almost invisible, it is mixed with other substances, such as sugar, and packaged in capsules, tablets, or solutions, or spotted on to gelatin sheets or pieces of blotting paper!.

LSD is usually taken orally, but is sometimes inhaled or injected!. Using unsterile needles may cause infections, and sharing needles with others is risking hepatitis or AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)!.

The effects of any drug depend on several factors:

the amount taken at one time!.
the user's past drug experience!.
the manner in which the drug is taken!.
the circumstances under which the drug is taken (the place, the user's psychological and emotional stability, the presence of other people, the simultaneous use of alcohol or other drugs, etc!.)!.
These factors are especially important with LSD!. In fact, the effects of LSD on any user, or even on the same user at different times, are difficult to predict!.

Short-term effects appear soon after a single dose and disappear within a few hours or days!. Appearing first are physical effects including: numbness; muscle weakness and trembling; rapid reflexes; increased blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature; impaired motor skills and coordination; dilated pupils; nausea; and, occasionally, seizures!.

Dramatic changes in perception, thought, and mood occur shortly after the physical effects!. These may include:

vivid, usually visual, "pseudo-hallucinations" that the user is aware are not real!.
distorted perceptions of: time (minutes seem like hours); distance (hazardous if operating motor vehicles or standing near balcony edges); gravity (sensations of floating or being pressed down); the space between oneself and one's environment (for some, a feeling of oneness with the universe, for others, a feeling of terror)!.
fusion of the senses (music is "seen", colors are "heard")
diminished control over thought processes, resulting in recent or long-forgotten memories resurfacing and blending with current experience, or in insignificant thoughts or objects taking on deep meaning!.
feelings of a mystical, religious, or cosmic nature (generally the most desired effect)!.
But many users experience unpleasant reactions to LSD!. Fear, anxiety, and depression may occur, even with experienced users who have had no prior adverse reactions!. Calling these reactions "bad trips," users feel that they are losing their identity, disintegrating into nothingness, and that there is no reality!.

Pseudo-hallucinations give way to terrifying true hallucinations, sometimes resulting in violence, homicide, or suicide!. In some cases, this psychotic state lasts several days or even longer!. Because adverse effects are particularly common among new users, early LSD trips are usually taken in the company of experienced users who can often help curb acute panic reactions!.

No deaths resulting exclusively from LSD overdose have been reported!. Cases of suicide, however, have occurred during or following LSD intoxication!. Other results of violent or hazardous behavior include accidental (sometimes bizarre) fatalities, homicides, and self-mutilations!.

Long-term effects appear after repeated use over a lengthy period, or some time after the short-term effects of a single dose have worn off!. "Flashbacks" (unpredictable, spontaneous recurrences of the original LSD experience without the user's taking the drug again) can occur weeks, months, or even up to a year after the last encounter with the drug!. Typically, flashbacks last only a few minutes or less and are usually visual images ranging from formless colors to frightening hallucinations!. The cause of the flashbacks is unknown, but they frequently occur after an LSD user smokes cannabis!.

Chronic LSD use may result in prolonged depression and anxiety!.

LSD and Pregnancy
There appears to be a higher risk of spontaneous abortion and congenital abnormalities in babies born to women who regularly used LSD during pregnancy!. But in almost all such cases reviewed, the mothers had also taken other drugs during pregnancy; it is thus difficult to determine how much each drug contributed to the problems!.

Studies associating LSD use with chromosome damage have yet to be confirmed!.

Tolerance and Dependence
Tolerance to LSD's hallucinatory and physical effects develops rapidly, making larger amounts of the drug necessary to produce the same effects!. Often, within a few days of consecutive daily doses, no amount of the drug will produce the desired effects!. After several days of abstinence, however, both the hallucinatory effects and the effects on blood pressure and reflexes are again felt!. A person who has built up tolerance to LSD will also be resistant to the effects of the other, less potent hallucinogens, such as psilocybin and mescaline!. This phenomenon is called cross-tolerance!.

There is no physical dependence on LSD after continuous use, for there are no withdrawal symptoms after the drug is discontinued!.

Some regular LSD users become psychologically dependent on the drug, and the need to keep taking it becomes a compulsion!. They represent a small minority of LSD users, however, and in street language are called "acid heads" or "acid freaks"!.

Who Uses LSD
In a 1989 Addiction Research Foundation survey of Ontario students in grades 7 to 13, 5!.9% admitted to LSD use at least once in the preceding year; 9!.1% of 16- and 17-year-olds said they had used the drug in the same period!.

Availability of LSD tends to vary with its popularity on the street!. When the drug is in fashion, it is usually easy to obtain!. At other times, it can be difficult to find!. Such substances as PCP are frequently passed off as LSD to the unsuspecting buyer!.

LSD and the Law
LSD is classified as a restricted drug under Schedule H of Canada's Food and Drugs Act!. Without authorization, it is illegal for anyone but the police to be in possession of the drug!. Authorization is granted only to qualified laboratory and research personnel conducting approved clinical and experimental investigations!.

If tried by summary conviction, a first offender charged with possession faces a maximum penalty of $1,000 and six months imprisonment!. There is a maximum penalty of $2,000 and one year imprisonment for subsequent offences!. If tried by indictment, LSD possession carries a maximum penalty of $5,000 and three years imprisonment!.

Trafficking and possession for the purposes of trafficking, if tried by summary conviction, are punishable by a maximum of 18 months imprisonment!. If tried by indictment, these offences carry a maximum of 10 years imprisonment!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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