
Question: Drugs!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Ok I'm lost!. Most of my friends smoke pot!. (or weed or a joint or something) But what is the difference between pot/crack/marajuna/weed/joint ect!. !?!?!? I dont get it- what it is- and how do you smoke it anyways!? Do you get really high!? Are they dangerous!? Also- what is X!? and coccaine!?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Pot/Marijuana/Weed/Bud: It is plant that is de-stemmed and smoked!. There are different ways to smoke it!. You can either roll it in rolling papers (sometimes used for rolling tobacco!.) When it is rolled in rolling papers it becomes a joint!.

You can also smoke it out of a water bong!. I'm not really sure exactly how that works, but I am pretty sure the weed is placed in a sort of pipe and lit and smoked out of a different piece of the bong!.

Another way that pot is smoked is that you smoke it out of a pipe!. Pot doesn't burn like tobacco, you have to continuously relight it and inhale the smoke!.

Typically you don't inhale and exhale quickly!. Most pot smokers will hold the smoke in their lungs for quite a few seconds before expulsion!.

Depending on the quality of the weed (yes, there is quality and lack of quality) your experience getting high will differ!. Also, some people do not react the same to pot as most!. Typically a good high will feel relaxing and leave the person quizzical and easy to laugh!. Some people experience paranoia or suicidal thoughts!.

Weed has been said to have no side effects, however there haven't really been any long term case studies!. A lot of people I know that smoke pot tend to have poor short term memories!. Also, marijuana contains 50-70% more carcinogens than tobacco!. However, most people don't smoke pot like people who smoke cigarettes!.

X is slang for ecstasy!. It is semisynthetic member of the amphetamine[2] class of psychoactive drugs, a subclass of the phenethylamines[3]!. MDMA also falls under many other broad categories of substances, including stimulants, psychedelics, and the empathogenic-entactogens!.

Basically X is really bad makes everything bright and cheery, makes the nervous system go insane, and by the end of the high, you're brain may well be fried!.

Cocaine: your best bet is to go to this website http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/CocaineWww@Answer-Health@Com

Marijuana isn't very bad, but can make some people very lazy!. It does not cause cancer and can't kill you!. It inhances your perceptions (sight, smell, taste especially!.) It makes your HUNGRY!. Joints are marijuana ciggarettes!. Usually you hold in the smoke longer than a few seconds to get you higher but its kind of a myth!. Marijuana is NOT addictive, although some can become "psychologicaly addicted" which means they can't stop without becoming constantly depressed and bored, and might have a lack of appitite!. Cocaine is a addictive stimulant!. It makes you hyper and gives you a head rush of euphoria and you feel like you can do anything!. Crack is the smokeable form of coke and is more addictive!. MDMA, X, XTC, or ecstacy(all the same thing) is a raver party drug!. Pretty much makes you love everything by releasing serotonin in your brain!. Can be addictive but its rare!. Long term use can lead to depression due to your happy chemicals (serotonin) being used up!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

All you need to know is that it is a world that you really don't want anything to do with!. It always starts with smoking a little weed and then thats not enough so you want something better and you get in with that crowd which is fun for a while but in the end will leave you messed up and make building a decent life when your older alot harder!. So my advice, if I could re-do my school days hang out with the kids that are focused on getting good grades a walking away from drugs!. You'll see what happens to your friends that get into that lifstyle!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Words to Know

Addiction (say: uh-dik-shun) - A person has an addiction when he or she becomes dependent on or craves a drug all of the time!.

Depressant (say: dih-preh-sunt) - A depressant is a drug that slows a person down!. Doctors prescribe depressants to help people be less angry, anxious, or tense!. Depressants relax muscles and make people feel sleepy, less stressed out, or like their head is stuffed!. Some people may use these drugs illegally to slow themselves down and help bring on sleep - especially after using various kinds of stimulants!. (See below!.)

Hallucinogen (say: huh-loo-sun-uh-jun) - A hallucinogen is a drug, such as LSD, that changes a person's mood and makes him or her see, hear, or think things that aren't really there!.

High - A high is the feeling that drug users want to get when they take drugs!. There are many types of highs, including a very happy or spacey feeling or a feeling that a person has special powers, such as the ability to fly or to see into the future!.

Inhalant (say: in-hay-lunt) - An inhalant, such as glue or gasoline, is sniffed or "huffed" to give the user an immediate rush!. Inhalants produce a quick feeling of being drunk - followed by sleepiness, staggering, dizziness, and confusion!.

Narcotic (say: nar-kah-tik) - A narcotic dulls the body's senses (leaving a person less aware and alert and feeling carefree) and relieves pain!. Narcotics can cause a person to sleep, fall into a stupor, have convulsions, and even slip into a coma!. Certain narcotics - such as codeine - are legal if given by doctors to treat pain!. Heroin is an illegal narcotic because it is has dangerous side effects and is very addictive!.

Stimulant (say: stim-yuh-lunt) - A stimulant speeds up a person's body and brain!. Stimulants, such as methamphetamines and cocaine, have the opposite effect of depressants!. Usually, stimulants make a person feel high and energized!. When the effects of a stimulant wear off, the person will feel tired or sick!.

Cigarettes and Alcohol

Cigarettes and alcohol are two other kinds of legal drugs!. (In the United States, adults 18 and over can buy cigarettes and those 21 and over can buy alcohol!.) But smoking and excessive drinking are not healthy for adults and off limits for kids!.
Illegal Drugs

When people talk about the "drug problem," they usually mean abusing legal drugs or using illegal drugs, such as marijuana, ecstasy, cocaine, LSD, crystal meth and heroin!. (Marijuana is generally an illegal drug, but some states allow doctors to prescribe it to adults for certain illnesses!.)
Why Are Illegal Drugs Dangerous!?

Illegal drugs aren't good for anyone, but they are particularly bad for a kid or teen whose body is still growing!. Illegal drugs can damage the brain, heart, and other important organs!. Cocaine, for instance, can cause a heart attack - even in a kid or teen!.

While using drugs, a person is also less able to do well in school, sports, and other activities!. It's often harder to think clearly and make good decisions!. People can do dumb or dangerous things that could hurt themselves - or other people - when they use drugs!.
Why Do People Use Illegal Drugs!?

Sometimes kids and teens try drugs to fit in with a group of friends!. Or they might be curious or just bored!. A person may use illegal drugs for many reasons, but often because they help the person escape from reality for a while!. If a person is sad or upset, a drug can - temporarily - make the person feel better or forget about problems!. But this escape lasts only until the drug wears off!.

Drugs don't solve problems, of course!. And using drugs often causes other problems on top of the problems the person had in the first place!. A person who uses drugs can become dependent on them, or addicted!. This means that the person's body becomes so accustomed to having this drug that he or she can't function well without it!.

Once a person is addicted, it's very hard to stop taking drugs!. Stopping can cause withdrawal symptoms, such as vomiting (throwing up), sweating, and tremors (shaking)!. These sick feelings continue until the person's body gets adjusted to being drug free again!.
Can I Tell If Someone Is Using Drugs!?

If someone is using drugs, you might notice changes in how the person looks or acts!. Here are some of those signs, but it's important to remember that depression or another problem could be causing these changes!. A person using drugs may:

* lose interest in school
* change friends (to hang out with kids who use drugs)
* become moody, negative, cranky, or worried all the time
* ask to be left alone a lot
* have trouble concentrating
* sleep a lot (maybe even in class)
* get in fights
* have red or puffy eyes
* lose or gain weight
* cough a lot
* have a runny nose all of the time

What Can I Do to Help!?

If you think someone is using drugs, the best thing to do is to tell an adult that you trust!. This could be a parent, other relative, teacher, coach, or school counselor!. The person might need professional help to stop using drugs!. A grown-up can help the person find the treatment he or she needs to stop using drugs!. Another way kids can help kids is by choosing not to try or use drugs!. It's a good way for friends to stick together!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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