How is this type of HPV transmitted?!

Question: How is this type of HPV transmitted!?
I have the type of HPV that causes Plantar warts--on the sole of my foot!. I am not sexually active!. How is this transmitted!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Simply physical contact!.

This particular virus can live a long time in open air!. Most of the time you will simply step on it in a shower, or swimming pool deck, and "Bingo!", you got a plantar wart to show off to your friends and family!.

Treatment usually requires a doctor's intervention, as these little beasts are HARD to get rid of!. Otherwise, harmless to humans!.

The HPV associated with sex is a different virus altogether! So don't worry!. Probably ought to give some serious thought to the new immunization for it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It is a virus that is easily passed from one person to the next!. Only 30 types are sexually transmitted!. And there are over 100 types!. You could have got it simply from walking around with out shoes, after someone else who had plantar warts also walked barefoot!. The virus can live on pretty much any surface!. Now that you have, treat it and keep your feet covered until the wart is gone!. You will always have the virus, but you can get rid of the warts it causes!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It can be transmitted by wearing someone else's shoes, socks, or touching their feet with yours!. Try to keep your feet clean, wear clean socks, and wash your hands anytime you touch your feet!. Whatever you do, don't touch your foot and then touch your genital area!. It can spread there too!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It is a virus, and can be picked up with direct contact with the virus!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Are u for real!? A planter wart is not the same as a vaginal wart!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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