Why is marijuana illegal when alcohol and cigarettes are worse?!

Question: Why is marijuana illegal when alcohol and cigarettes are worse!?
Only people that have done weed before preferably!. Because, what the government etc!. says about weed is not true!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Because whatever makes you feel good is illegal!.

Unlike marijuana, the government is able to tax alcohol and cigarettes as they have no way of regulating it's growth and sales!.

It was originally outlawed because hemp was seen as a threat by industries that had already invested in cotton, wool, etc!.

The United States was founded on tobacco!. Tobacco was the number one cash crop in the Virginia area, and opened the doors for much of the expansion of early settlements!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It's about taxes!.
Also!.!.!.where do they sell it, how do they classify it!?
Do they sell it in a drug store!.!.!.or a liquor store!.!.or can they sell it where cigarettes are sold!?
I suggest a liquor store but there are others that feel a drug store would be better!.Since it is smoked others have said it should be sold like cigarettes!.
At one time you could legally smoke Opium!. San Francisco was famous for it's Opium dens!. Worldwide it was the "chic" thing to do!.
It has reached it's time for it to be legalized but heaven forbid, imagine the growers, distributers and pushers and users it will put out of business and the taxpayers money saved by not busting, charging and convicting the felons!. It costs a lot to feed the justice system!.
Who pays for it!.!.!.you and me!.!.!.the taxpayer!.
Think of the revenue for the government by taxing it!. So who wins!? I think once it's legalized it will be more affordable but I don't think the government has any idea what should be charged!. It's time to let the people vote, let the people decide!.

I smoked for many years and thought pot was totally harmless for nearly ten tears, but through my own and close friends experiences have come to see pot in a completely different light!.It has been incredibly enlightened to learn from others and through years of research as I've been working in the industry (Drug and alcohol rehab)!.

Pot in small doses in social gatherings or now then to chill out when you come home from a hard day is harmless to your average Joe blow!.
But unfortunately there is a whole other side to Pot in regards to mental health with chronic smokers, there is undeniable patterns appearing in X and Y generations presenting in later life with chronic social and mental health issues!.
Nothing in the scale of Alcohol and ciggies, but there is a sleeping giant out there of undiagnosed illnesses presenting themselves in other ways such as depression, psychotic episodes, mania and other disorders that were rarely or never prevalent in heavy users in there pre-pot years!. Now all of these are definitely not directly contributed to by pot but the coincidence is just to prevalent to be ignored!.
Pot is definitely a dangerous drug if used daily and or regularly for the wrong reasons, e!.g cant relax unless I'm stoned, plan my day around my using etc
The above reasons combined with many young users losing touch with reality justifys the reasons this drug is on the controlled drugs list!.
It should definitely be de-criminalised but it should remain controlled to an extent probably not as stringent as it is now but young users should be made aware of the long term affects the drug pot can have on you!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

I say that it is because the government (FDA) cannot tax natural herbs and that is what Cannibus is!. If you want to be technical about it they do write perscriptions for THC pills at some Dr!.'s offices to help peole cope with cancer, stress ect!.!.!.!.

The ONLY reason I want to remind you is that they cannot TAX it, also been proven that smoking a little helps stimulate the brain!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

cigarettes aren't really worse, but that's beside the point!. weed is illegal because back in the 60's, the govt saw it as a real problem with so many people smoking it!. also alot of pissed off parents who didn't want their kids to be around drugs had alot to do with weed getting illegalWww@Answer-Health@Com

You're right, it's not!. I'm not really sure though, alcohol is by FAR worse than marijuana!. I once heard it's because they can't tax it because it can be grown ANYWHERE!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

weed is natural, cigarettes & alcohol is man made!.!.!.!.i myself would rather have something that i know what is in it exactly!Www@Answer-Health@Com

what the government says about WEED IS TRUE! get your facts straight! I'm not saying alcohol and cigarettes are good for you; I'm saying THEY'RE ALL BAD FOR YOU!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Chris Rock: If it's white!.!.!.!.it's alright!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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