Can i donate Period blood to the red cross?!

Question: Can i donate Period blood to the red cross?
Cause i hear they need blood, i think i can get my sister to period in a bucket


why the hell is everyone such a hater this is why i hate people. they are so ignorant and cant take a joke.. thats the people that shouldn't reproduce... everyone loves people who are funny and debbie downers not so much

NO. there's other things besides blood in that you know. like pre-placental tissues and a stray ovum or two. it's also saturated with estrogen and other hormones that are probably not exactly good for a patient needing blood.ever notice how stressed some women are when they're on their cycle? besides, they won't accept anything you bring in with a bucket (or anything else not flesh and attached on you) anyway. so don't try that.

this is obviously a joke to you. but you're not even smart enough to realize menstration is not blood, its the coating of the uterus which sheds every month in a nonpregnant woman because it's unneeded if there is no baby in there. it just happens to be red. so get some facts, then type questions, if you have real ones. stupid

You guys are ALL obviously retarded. He said "cause I hear they need blood" which I can infer means that he's just asking a stupid question to see the responses. So everyone calling him an idiot; you're the real dumbass.

No, the doctor or nurse have to witness it, and eww nobody want blood that came out of someone private part.

One day you are going to ask the question How do I delete questions I've previously asked? because one day you will realise how stupid this makes you look.

NO. you cannot. It is blood that the body does not want so nobody else's body does

trololololololz. heckkkk no

You my friend, are RETARDED. Don't reproduce.

ooookkkkaaaayyyy then thats really weird and kinda creepy

sure, go take it down there

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