bedbugs im freakin out please help?!?!

Question: Bedbugs im freakin out please help?!?
ok so i purshased an item ( a jacket) on ebay and i typed in the address on bedbug registy and theres one report (november 2010) that says that the building has bedbugs.. does that mean i will have them too? i put the jacket in a plastic bag outside my appartment but it was inside all day :,,,,(


Keep the jacket outside AWAY from your home.Dont keep it in the plastic bag or it will get musty or moldy.Let the jacket sit for at least a week unless your in a cold weather climate.If you live in a cold weather climate the larva wont survive ,if not wait at least a week and inspect the jacket for any bugs,if its infested the bugs will move on,(they cant leave if their stuck in a bag)if you dont see anything you should be alright.P.S.Smart move checking the bedbug registry.

if you are so worried, put it in the dryer for 30 min on high. it will kill them and the eggs if they are present.

use a hair dryer to heat up the seams and other areas. pest controllers use them and they work.

pest management supervisor

Return the jacket for a full refund or send it to a dry cleaners. They will clean it and make sure it is bed bug free.


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