can 13 year old girls get ulcerative colitis?!

Question: Can 13 year old girls get ulcerative colitis?
Just wondering.
I think I may have it actually.
Is it going to kill me?
I mean can it kill me if I have it?
I don't have any health insurance, so am I going to be okay??


It can develop at any age but most commonly first develops between the ages of 10 and 40.
The usual test is for a doctor to look inside the large intestine by passing a special telescope up through the anus into the rectum and colon.
A special diet is not usually needed. A normal, healthy, well balanced diet is usually advised.

It won't kill you and why on earth do you think you have it?

Even if U R killed also,,I will come and save cheers CUTIE.ya thats like a good girl.

? No idea

I don't think so ; and it won't kill you (:

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