Do you think alcohol like stimulants have bad effects on our body? If so, Why?!

Question: Do you think alcohol like stimulants have bad effects on our body? If so, Why?
Pls answer with your own words and not copy paste. I want to see your own opinions ;D


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Alcohol is a depressant, so there are no stimulants. There is damage to the liver for sure. However, I am vain, so the most damage is done to the skin, because alcohol dehydrates you. If you ever see a drunk, their skin is horrible.

There are so many bad effects of alcphol's use like
1) alcoholism
Chronic alcohol abuse, dependence, or addiction; chronic excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages resulting in impairment of health and/or social or occupational functioning, and increasing adaptation to the effects of alcohol requiring increasing doses to achieve and sustain a desired effect; specific signs and symptoms of withdrawal usually are shown upon sudden cessation of such drinking.
alcoholic cardiomyopathy
2) myocardial disease occurring in some chronic alcoholics; may result either from thiamin deficiency or be of unknown pathogenesis. Syn: alcoholic myocardiopathy, beer heart.
alcoholic cirrhosis
3) cirrhosis that frequently develops in chronic alcoholism, characterized in an early stage by enlargement of the liver due to fatty change with mild fibrosis, and later by La?nnec's cirrhosis with contraction of the liver.
4) alcoholic psychoses
mental disorders that result from alcoholism and that involve organic brain damage, as in delirium tremens.
5) alcoholic withdrawal tremor
intention tremor present in the withdrawal period of one of two types: 1) a tremor of greater than 8 Hz, with continuous antagonistic muscle activity, and 2) a tremor of less than 8 Hz, with intermittent spontaneous antagonistic muscle activity.
6) alcoholic deterioration
dementia occurring in persons chronically addicted to alcohol.
7) alcoholic polyneuropathy
a nutritional axon loss polyneuropathy associated with chronic alcoholism.
alcoholic pneumonia
pneumonia occurring in patient with alcoholism, usually after a period of alcohol intoxication due to aspiration of vomited material.

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