Anxiety. Using the internet to diagnose your symptoms.?!

Question: Anxiety. Using the internet to diagnose your symptoms.?
I wish I could stop using Google to look up my symptoms.

I've convinced myself of many deadly illnesses from things as little as aches and pains.

I need someone to relate to, have you done this? or are you mentally strong enough to know that what the internet throws at you is likely to be inaccurate.


Honestly.. Anxiety is a complex thing. Looking up symptoms is a terrible idea as the more you do, the worse your symptoms will be.

The past 3 weeks I swear to god I thought I was at the verge of death or I had some type of terminal illness and convinced myself I was dying..

It started about 3 weeks ago on a monday night.. I had been having a lot of stress and anxiety up to that point.. I moped around all day just having a terrible time. I didn't want to be alone so I had some people over, they drank, but I decided against it.. Then out of nowhere my feet started to get these light pins and needles. I figured it would just go away after a while but it just got worse and worse, and that made me even more anxious.. I had panic attacks throughout the night as I searched for my symptoms coming across things like MS, Diabetes, ASL, Fibromyalgia. I eventually decided to stop and watch some TV, concluding that I had MS for sure or something.. I eventually passed out.
The next morning I awoke without symptoms.. then as soon as I started thinking of them again it all began again.. made me pace and pace as I got ready for work. My word day was horrible, I had to keep my legs moving to make that feeling dissipate, and deal with the anxiety thinking I was dying all day long... I went to bed that night again searching more symptoms.. bad idea again, came across more and more things. I download some BrainWave Voyages to maybe help get my mind off this.. it help me fall asleep.
The following morning, same thing started happening.. woke up during the night with panic attacks, eventually fell back asleep. Woke up somewhat ok, then as soon as my mind goes back to my previous symptoms they begin again. As I get ready for work I'm completely worked up because of the past 3 days just wearing my down. I find myself unable to make it through the day of work as I begin to have panic attacks, the tingling in my legs got worse and I felt it in my face and palms, my vision in my right eye started getting a little blurry as well. So freaked out I left work and immediately called the doctor for an emergency visit. I explained to him my symptoms and what had been going on, convinced that I had MS.. he checked me out physically and couldn't find anything abnormal with me. He began to talk to me about what 'diseases' I thought I have had, and if I had been looking up symptoms online. He mentioned that anxiety can manifest itself in every symptom that I've been having, and by looking up the symptoms I'm only allowing my brain to manifest more problems. I notice during our talk my symptoms subside almost completely as I start to believe more of what he's saying that it's just anxiety, and I have to control it.
I took 4 days off of work prior to that, the next 2 days into my vacation my symptoms were almost completely gone, some tingling, some twitching but barely anything causing me problems.
Then of course again, I go on thinking I still have something wrong with me even after what had happened and begin looking up symptoms again.. Soon enough I start getting these 'symptoms' that I've been looking deeply into. Desperate to get some help my doctor referred me to a psychiatrist.
Good thing that he did, as now I had someone to spill my guts too. He too stated that it sounded like I had some pretty bad anxiety issues going on. I was on the verge of a mental break down, I'm still struggling. But he gave me some medications to help with my symptoms while I enter treatment to deal with controlling my anxiety. I was given Klonopin for my anxiety/panic attacks which works right away, and Celexa, which is an anti depressent which is supposed to help with my symptoms long term. Since taking the anti-anxiety medication my symptoms are pretty much 100% gone. My brain still like to disagree that it's all in my head, but the med's kill the panic attacks. I have a more positive mindset now than I did before.

And I tell you I was getting symptoms from feeling tingling/pins needles in my feet and hands, muscle twitches, my face and forehead would feel funny and my eye lids would twitch. I'd get hot/cold flashes all down my legs.. heart racing.. sweating.. feeling like I was going to die. I suffered nightmares every night.. every single one had to do with the end of the world or a me dying.

Anxiety can do some crazy things to do you man, it can manifest itself as symptoms of many many many diseases. The best thing to do is just fight your brain, you're fine. Stop looking up symptoms and seriously seek guidance. A therapist, psychiatrist.. someone you can talk to. It really works wonders.

Internet health searches can be very useful as long as you take everything with a grain of salt.

You can't necessarily believe everything that is posted on the Internet.

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go to a pysch it sounds like u are a hypochondriac

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