Could I have HPV? Is HPV curable completely?!

Question: Could I have HPV? Is HPV curable completely?
iv had sex alot this year but always made sure we got checked for std's.


i never even knew about this thing called hpv and how its the most common type of std out there. so from what im reading on websites, it "clears up" whatever that means for most people in about a year on its own but it always is in your system for life. very few people think that it can completely vanish from your cells but other people say thats not the case, its only now undetectable.

im freaking out about this because im a male and in men it causes penile cancer (the more serious strain) and since it stays in your body your whole life it eventually leads to head and other cancers?

so is there anyone here who think this virus can be completely removed from your body?


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

No, this virus cannot be completely cured and removed from your body. When you have it, you have it for life. Read what the Mayo Clinic says about it.…

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