How do you deal with quitting?!

Question: How do you deal with quitting?
My husband had to quit smoking pot for the law. Now he is on his dot (period). He can't control his anger, can't eat,or sleep. Are there any sedgestions? Please help me the very slightest thing upsets him. He is miserable. He's started drinking more and thats not good. At least pot is from the earth It won't kill his liver.


Well he must stay busy and not give himself any time to think about pot. Luckily for you pot is not physically addicting but it is mentally addicting. Its in his head, hes just used to being under the effects of pot and misses how he felt. He needs to find something that makes him happy like a hobby or a different job.

Or else he can very well have these symptoms for weeks depending on how long hes smoked. There is no thc(the drug in pot) patch so I can't think of a quick fix for this. If it continues for over 2 weeks I'd see a doctor.

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